coverlet-coverage / coverlet

Cross platform code coverage for .NET
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0% coverage with different paths and SourceLink/Deterministic builds #1565

Closed jborean93 closed 5 months ago

jborean93 commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug I am trying to collect coverage for a C# assembly and while things work just fine locally I'm having difficulties getting it to work in CI as I'm building my assembly on one runner then running the tests on another runner using that assembly.

I've tried doing this just normally without any special setup but this doesn't work as expected on different hosts because the paths inside the pdb are different on Linux vs Windows. For example the base build produces a PDB with


I could not find any configuration option to map paths to an equivalent alternative that I've seen in other coverage tools like python coverage paths provide.

The next thing I tried was to use SourceLink and deterministic builds. I created a POC for this in the PR branch When inspecting the pdb generated for the net6.0 build I can see the SourceLink was configured with a deterministic path


But unfortunately both the Linux and Windows runners report 0% coverage for the assemblies built like this.

There is a reference that deterministic builds only work for msbuild and collectors at but I was hoping whether to clarify

To Reproduce I've created a very basic repo that reproduces the issue when run in it It can also be run locally if you have PowerShell installed on Linux or manually rename the checkout after building it.

Expected behavior Coverage is collected

Actual behavior No coverage is collected, there is no error but coverlet is unable to find any coverage.

Configuration (please complete the following information): Please provide more information on your .NET configuration:

Additional context This is for PowerShell binary modules which are compiled dotnet assemblies. I'm trying to ensure that what I'm testing against is the same assembly being built which is why I'm building it first on one host then testing. I could technically build and test in the same step but that feels wrong to me especially since it may not be the same assembly that I publish. Also using a deterministic build would be nice but I don't care about that as much.

:exclamation: Please also read Known Issues

Bertk commented 6 months ago

Hi, please check the integration test for deterministic build within coverlet repository.

You will find dotnet build -c Debug /p:DeterministicSourcePaths=true" for the determisticbuild project which uses coverlet.msbuild and coverlet.collector for the specific test cases.

The target ReferencedPathMaps which is available using the Nuget packages will create the required "CoverletSourceRootsMapping_*" file.

  <Target Name="ReferencedPathMaps" BeforeTargets="CoreCompile" DependsOnTargets="ResolveProjectReferences" >
    <MSBuild Projects="@(AnnotatedProjects->'%(FullPath)')"
      <Output TaskParameter="TargetOutputs"
              ItemName="_LocalTopLevelSourceRoot" />
      <_byProject Include="@(_LocalTopLevelSourceRoot->'%(MSBuildSourceProjectFile)')" OriginalPath="%(Identity)" />
      <_mapping Include="@(_byProject->'%(Identity)|%(OriginalPath)=%(MappedPath)')" />
    <WriteLinesToFile File="$(_sourceRootMappingFilePath)" Lines="@(_mapping)"
                      Overwrite="true" Encoding="Unicode"
                      WriteOnlyWhenDifferent="true" />
      <FileWrites Include="$(_sourceRootMappingFilePath)" Condition="'@(_mapping)'!=''" />

Please check also Documentation/

This scenario is not supported but maybe this information helps.

jborean93 commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the suggestion unfortunately I was unable to get it producing a valid file as _byProfile and _mapping was not being populated. I tried manually creating the file based on but when looking at the code for coverlet.console it never looks up this path and sets the mapping.

The coverlet.console creates the SourceRootTranslator at

This calls this constructor which sets an empty source translator

I've opened a PR that adds a new option to specify this path mapping file through the console tool. I've not contributed to this repo before so I'm not 100% sure what the process would be but hopefully we can iterate on that and get something in. I've tested the changed locally and can confirm the path mapping allows me to capture the coverage for my assembly when it is built with a deterministic build and even with just a normal build where the paths changed.

Bertk commented 6 months ago

@jborean93 Thank you for the contribution. Could you please also add integration tests for this enhancement.

@MarcoRossignoli @daveMueller I do not see a blocking topic but I am not using coverlet.console .NET tool. Could you please send your feedback.

jborean93 commented 6 months ago

Could you please also add integration tests for this enhancement.

Pushed a commit with an integration test, hopefully it's what you are looking for.

Bertk commented 6 months ago

@jborean93 Thank you for adding the integration test.

Is it possible to check the content of the generated coverage (Cobertura) file content like here

jborean93 commented 6 months ago

Is there a purpose behind checking that? The report will still contain the actual paths of the files, this new option just allowed the pdb paths which are set to a deterministic build (or other path) to the local ones. I'm not aware of a way for the coverlet global tool to emit a report with deterministic paths in it.

Bertk commented 6 months ago

@jborean93 Fine with me. The description of PR already clarifies it.