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Indistinguishability flaw #55

Closed LoupVaillant closed 2 years ago

LoupVaillant commented 2 years ago


I’ve been pointed to your work, and I see you’re using my work for exactly what I wanted it to be used, that’s nice!

I think I found a bug, that makes the encrypted archives easily distinguishable from random. It’s a subtle, easy to miss issue about Elligator2. Here’s the culprit: you’re taking a freshly generated public key from vanilla X25519. The error is using vanilla X25519.

See, Curve25519 is not quite a prime order group. It has a non-trivial cofactor of 8. DJB got around the issue by inserting special precautions in the design of X25519. One of them was making sure all the generated points are in the prime order subgroup, which comprises only one eight of the curve. (He does this by clamping the scalar down to a multiple of 8).

Elligator2 however operates over the whole curve, not just the prime order subgroup. So when an attacker sees the file and tries to unhash the key, they’ll notice that all the resulting points always happen to be on the prime order subgroup. (To verify which subgroup a key belongs to, you can just multiply it by its order L.) With truly random files this is supposed to happen only one time in 8.

In other words, for each file you encrypt, you expose 3 bits of evidence to the attacker that this is an encrypted file, not a truly random one. (Now one might suspect things about random files, but those 3 bits can also leak part of the file format, and my guess is that you want to hide as much meta data as possible.)

To correct the problem, you need to generate points on the whole curve, not just the prime order subgroup. You need a "dirty" X25519 key somehow, yet still retain full compatibility with vanilla X25519. You need Monocypher’s crypto_x25519_dirty_fast().

Now I see you’re mainly using Libsodium, and only pulled my Python Elligator2 code (which by the way is not constant time, though it probably does not matter for offline uses). The problem is that Libsodium has no way that I know of to generate the dirty keys you need. (Last time I checked Frank Denis was explicitly not interested in supporting indistinguishability from random.)

My recommended course of action is to use Monocypher’s high-level crypto_hidden_key_pair() function. The third party Pymonocypher bindings may help you there. It will fix both timings & indistinguishability issues.

covert-encryption commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting this... Certainly a very evasive issue.

Let me clarify, since we already add three random bits on the Elligator encoding (sign and two high bits)... That the keys created also lack another three bits of entropy?

To correct the problem, you need to generate points on the whole curve, not just the prime order subgroup. You need a "dirty" X25519 key somehow, yet still retain full compatibility with vanilla X25519.

There is crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp, shouldn't that when supplied with random bytes do the trick, or is also retaining compatibility with vanilla X25519 then a problem? Working around sodium's restrictions is somewhat annoying but given its popularity we try to keep as much as possible fully compatible with it, and obviously also with standard algorithms like the key exchange.

I will look at Monocypher, looks like a very useful library in other ways too. Need to also talk with our crypto guy because I only have a cursory understanding of elliptic curves.

covert-encryption commented 2 years ago

I gather there are also other encodings than Elligator2 to address this problem. Can you give any recommendation on them?

LoupVaillant commented 2 years ago

Let me clarify, since we already add three random bits on the Elligator encoding (sign and two high bits)... That the keys created also lack another three bits of entropy?

Yes, this is exactly what I’m saying. Those bits of entropy are not as obvious as the others, but they’re just as easy to find: just unhash the key, multiply it by (with an unclamped scalar multiplication), if the result is zero the point was on the prime order subgroup.

There is crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp, shouldn't that when supplied with random bytes do the trick, or is also retaining compatibility with vanilla X25519 then a problem?

Not only compatibility with vanilla X25519 will be a problem, you will still fail to generate the whole curve!! (Very counter intuitive, it’s a nightmare.) The whole theory is explained in my cofactor tutorial, but it’s a fairly long read. I’ll try to summarise the highlights here.

Public key cryptography loves prime order groups, because they have almost no structure. There’s a zero element, and all the others are basically the same: for any element X in such a group, adding X to itself enough time will eventually generate the whole group (including zero). That lack of structure makes cracking more difficult, facilitates protocol design, streamlines security proofs, the works.

That’s why early curves were short Weierstraß curves: they have a prime order. Problem is, they’re not the fastest thing around, and implementing them without letting a vulnerability slip is like sitting on the Iron Throne without cutting yourself. That’s why DJB popularised Curve25519.

Curve25519 however does not have a prime order. It has a prime order times 8. I personally visualise it as a very tall rectangle, that is 8 items wide, and L items tall (L = 2²⁵² + something, it’s an extremely tall rectangle). The structure of the group is that of the rectangle: on the top left you have zero. The top row is your low order points: when added to themselves, they’ll only generate low order points (no leaving the top row). The leftmost column (except zero) is your prime order points: when added to themselves enough times they’ll generate the entire leftmost column, and only the leftmost column. Just like the top row, there’s no leaving it.

So, even though Curve25519 is not quite a prime order group, it does have a prime order sub group: the leftmost column. The rectangle as a whole does have structure, but the leftmost column really does not. And that’s exactly what we want. To achieve that, DJB made sure every point we’ll work with in X25519 will be in that leftmost column. He took two specific precautions:

Now I need to talk a bit more about the structure of the rectangle: it actually work like Cartesian coordinates.

Take a random point in the rectangle. Let’s call it P.
Now project P to the left. Let’s call that second point Q. Note that Q is in the prime order subgroup.
Now project P to the top. Let’s call that third point R. Note that R is in the low order subgroup.
P = Q + R. Simple as that.

In more pompous term, every single point on the curve is the sum of a prime order point, and a low order point. And we’re going to exploit that:

P = Q + R
s.P = s.(Q + R)
s.P = s.Q + s.R

Remember that thing about not leaving the leftmost column or the topmost row? Well that applies to Q and R too: s.Q is still a prime order point, and s.R is still a low order point. So, while X25519 only wants you to work with Q and s.Q, you can add a random R, use the resulting P, and… you’ll still get s.Q out. Hmm…

DJB took two precautions. One of them is clamping, which makes sure s is a multiple of 8. And when you multiply a low order point by a multiple of 8, the result is a big fat zero. X25519 effectively ignores the low order component of the points it process. It might as well not be there. That’s what we’re going to exploit when generating our dirty points.

To be compatible with X25519, yet still cover the whole rectangle, we just need to do two things:

And that’s it. The low order component will not influence the result of the key exchange, the end result will be the same as if you just used a normal X25519 point instead. But adding that random low order point allows you to cover the whole curve, and that’s exactly what Monocypher does.

There are other subtleties, but I have confirmed with the help of Elligator2’s inventor Mike Hamburg himself that it does not have any further security implications.

Working around sodium's restrictions is somewhat annoying but given its popularity we try to keep as much as possible fully compatible with it, and obviously also with standard algorithms like the key exchange.

I designed my dirty key generation process with exactly this in mind. Not only being compatible with regular X25519 makes for very practical APIs (Monocypher neither needs nor have a dirty key exchange function), producing the same results as regular X25519 makes it very easy to prove that dirty points are just as secure as regular points.

I will look at Monocypher, looks like a very useful library in other ways too.

Thanks. If you care about speed though, Libsodium’s symmetric encryption is much faster (I use portable C, so I can’t take advantage of vector instructions). Public key cryptography however is a one time cost, the speed differences will not matter there.

I gather there are also other encodings than Elligator2 to address this problem. Can you give any recommendation on them?

There are other indeed, but many involve using two curve points instead of just one, and I haven’t studied them. My recommendation is to stick with Elligator2: it’s the simplest, fastest, most secure way to hide Curve25519 points I know of. And I say that in full awareness of the huge wall of text I just wrote.

covert-encryption commented 2 years ago

@LoupVaillant A brief update on this. We have indeed confirmed the 3 bit information leakage that you reported and built a test for it, and have an initial implementation to work around this problem, written in Python at first to provide an alternative implementation for comparison, although we do consider including Monocypher, and have already done so in Covert Web.

It needs to be noted that not even the lowest level of the Sodium functions are useful for this because they error out when low order points are seen (but at least accept the dirty points). Fortunately we already had some fe/ge and other helper functions written in Python, some of your making of course.

Thanks for your thorough explanation on the sub groups, now I also understand them much better, although I don't plan to dive into the EC mathematics myself. The rectangle analogy is most useful. I gather this is of your invention along with the projections up and left?

I had a look and could not find any up to date Python bindings to your library. Both that are available are from two years back and don't seem to be maintained anymore. I could have a look at bringing that part up to date. The Sodium bindings that are available are also quite outdated, and don't allow e.g. zeroing of any buffers after use.