covid19datahub / COVID19

A worldwide epidemiological database for COVID-19 at fine-grained spatial resolution
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Question to verify Israel hosp data #170

Closed hlcny closed 2 years ago

hlcny commented 3 years ago

Hi, I just wanted to verify the source and be sure there is no error in the Israel hospital data. The only documentation I found for Israel says it should be either from JHU or OWID. However, I don't believe JHU has hosp data and the data in covid19datahub does not match OWID (e.g., on 8/12 this source say 748, whereas OWID has 871 on that date--and 758 on 8/ fact, none of the data here matches OWID exactly, though generally it is "close" so graphs look similar. Thanks as always!

eguidotti commented 3 years ago

Hi @hlcny, the hospital data for Israel are from OWID. You can check it with:

x <- covid19("ISR")

It seems that OWID is updating the data retroactively (as done by many other sources due to the lag in reporting). Indeed, as of today I see 906 hospitalizations for 8/12 and 915 for 8/13. They do not match the numbers you observed 2 days ago but they are now the same in OWID and in this repository.

The difference you observed between OWID and this repo may be due to a couple of hours of lag in updating the data hub with respect to the original update in OWID.

Here the link to the OWID dataset used:

Hope this helps!