covid19datahub / COVID19

A worldwide epidemiological database for COVID-19 at fine-grained spatial resolution
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Implemented France level 1,2,3 with new scheme #48

Closed montemurroPaolo closed 4 years ago

montemurroPaolo commented 4 years ago
ds_opencovid_fr <- function(level=1, cache=cache){

  # Montemurro Paolo 11 05 2020

  # Libraries
  library(dplyr) #You can import different libraries!

  # Download data
  url <- ""
  x   <- read.csv(url, cache=cache) #To test it, remove cache from here.

  # Formatting columns
  x$date       <- as.Date(x$date)
  x$tests      <- x$depistes
  x$confirmed  <- x$cas_confirmes
  x$deaths     <- x$deces
  x$recovered  <- x$gueris
  x$hosp       <- x$hospitalises 
  x$icu        <- x$reanimation  

  x <- x[c("date","tests","confirmed","deaths","recovered","hosp","icu","granularite","maille_code","maille_nom")] #Not needed, but cleaner

  # Keeping only relevant level
  if(level==1){x<- x[x$granularite=="pays",]}
  if(level==2){x<- x[(x$granularite=="region" | x$granularite=="collectivite-outremer") ,]}
  if(level==3){x<- x[x$granularite=="departement",]}

  # Cleaning
  x <- x %>% distinct(date,maille_code, .keep_all = TRUE) #Keep the first observation, more reliable

  # Done!

  # Don't forget to check your data!!!

eguidotti commented 4 years ago

Fixed in #56