covid19india / api

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Better format for JSon #474

Closed samewal closed 3 years ago

samewal commented 3 years ago

I think json format should look like below:

[{ "StateCode" : "delta": { "confirmed": ", "deceased": ", "recovered": ", "vaccinated": " }, "delta7":{ "confirmed": <7DmaConfirmedForState>", "deceased": <7DmaDeceasedForState>", "recovered": <7DmaRecoveredForState>", "vaccinated": <7DmaVaccinatedForState>"" }, "districts": [{ "DistricName" : "District1": { "delta":{ "confirmed": ", "deceased": ", "recovered": ", "vaccinated": " }, "delta7":{ "confirmed": <7DmaConfirmedForDistrict>", "deceased": <7DmaDeceasedForDistrict>", "recovered": <7DmaRecoveredForDistrict>", "vaccinated": <7DmaVaccinatedForDistrict>"" }, "meta": { "population": , "tested": { "last_updated": "yyyy-mm-dd", "source": "uri", }, "notes": "notesForDistrict" }, "total": { "confirmed": , "deceased": , "recovered": , "tested": , "vaccinated": } , . . . ], "meta": { "last_updated": "yyyy-mm-ddHH24:M:S+GMT", "population": , "tested": { "last_updated": "yyyy-mm-dd", "source": "uri" }, "notes": "notesForState" }, "total": { "confirmed": , "deceased": , "recovered": , "tested": , "vaccinated": } }, . . . ]

bee-rickey commented 3 years ago

Hi we do not plan to change the format now since this has been in use for over 6 months now.