covid19india / econsult-prescribe

Prescription Module for eConsult
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Set up CI/CD pipeline #21

Open pbteja1998 opened 4 years ago

pbteja1998 commented 4 years ago

Set up github actions to automatically deploy the application to firebase after every commit to master.

You may have to set some env variables(like FIREBASE_TOKEN).

Github Action for Firebase - Check if this can be used directly for our repo.

Edit 1:

Because of the limit on maximum minutes that we can use for Github Actions, we may not go ahead with github actions. Explore any other feasible options that we can use instead of Github Actions.

Also checkout TravisCi and CircleCi

Edit 2: We are going ahead with Travis CI since it's free for open source projects with unlimited build minutes and up to 5 concurrent builds.

debosmit-git commented 4 years ago

travis-ci would be a great choice as it offers up to 5 concurrent builds and unlimited minutes for our use.

pbteja1998 commented 4 years ago

Yes, let's go ahead with Travis CI.