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Critical: Test counts in US states are missing starting on May 26 #471

Closed jzohrab closed 3 years ago

jzohrab commented 3 years ago

Original issue, transferred here on Thursday Jul 02, 2020 at 04:37 GMT

Location, date, and short issue description

All US states except for California are missing tested counts.



Issue details

Starting on May 26, all states except CA have NA for tested. For the following days there are some positive values and then it goes dark for most of June.


ts <- read_csv(covid.csv.url, col_types=cols_only(level='c',city='c',county='c',state='c',country='c',population='d',date='D',cases='d',deaths='d',tested='d'))
ggplot(filter(ts, country=='United States' & level=='state'), aes(x=date, y=tested, group=state)) + geom_line()


jzohrab commented 3 years ago

Hi @dkulp2, following up on this (from original issue Has this been fixed in the new reports at We had been missing some data but I believe it's back now. Cheers! jz

jzohrab commented 3 years ago

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