covjos / WebTechProject

My Personal Website Project
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Peer Review #1

Open abolt1babson opened 1 year ago

abolt1babson commented 1 year ago

The tables on the stats and games pages might look better if you carried over the style and coloring from the home page, same for the sitemap

I think that a page with betting lines could be a good addition to the site, maybe you could add it to the schedule page

The roster page loads me to a blank screen, you might have forgotten the content

The news tab on the nav bar doesn't seem to lead anywhere

covjos commented 1 year ago

Hi! Thank you for your helpful feedback on my website. I will definitely look into changing the style and color of the tables to be the same as the home pages as well as the sitemap to make sure it flows better throughout the home page. I will definitely take into consideration betting lines when finishing up my website. I know that the roster and news pages are not working right now, but I will definitely add this content in for the final.