cowbell / cordova-plugin-geofence

Geofencing plugin for cordova
Apache License 2.0
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State.go not working in onNotificationClicked #180

Open foongpon opened 7 years ago

foongpon commented 7 years ago

Cannot get the below to work. A simple state.go to a specific page. It always bring me to the home page instead of the app.detail. Is this a bug?

$window.geofence.onNotificationClicked = function (notificationData) { $log.log(notificationData); $state.go('app.detail', { 'Id': }); };

ds8k commented 7 years ago


didReceiveLocalNotification never fires

foongpon commented 7 years ago

This happened in Android. You meant I should activate another dependency plugin.

foongpon commented 7 years ago

What is the equivalent on Android side? There's no didReceiveLocalNotification in Android. In my case notification fires but it always go to $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('yourpage');