cowbell / cordova-plugin-geofence

Geofencing plugin for cordova
Apache License 2.0
264 stars 318 forks source link

is it Possible ? #236

Open bigbossmaher opened 6 years ago

bigbossmaher commented 6 years ago

i made an android application for Parkings in my country. i added this plugin to my app to add a feature that the user can be notified when he is close to the parking and he is asked to tell us how much the parking is full ( 0 % / 25 % / 50 % etccc )

when i tried the plugin with a small raduis ( 50 meters for exemple ) in geofence ,i noticed that it not too relible and no working every time . so i'm trying to make a solution of this please tell me if it is possible or not . i will add geofences with app with 100 meters raduis. and i will modify the to make some tasks before the sending the notification to the user ==> i will check the distance between the the parking ( Geofence coords ) and the the current position if it is less then 50 meters so send the notification if not make nothing.

with this solution i will be sure that the notifications will appear only when the distance betwen geofences and current position is 50 meters or less . can you please it can work or not ?