cowbell / cordova-plugin-geofence

Geofencing plugin for cordova
Apache License 2.0
264 stars 318 forks source link

onTransitionReceived - Transition object desappears / Stops listening transitions when navigate - phonegap cordova #269

Open mateusredfield opened 6 years ago

mateusredfield commented 6 years ago

I am using another plugin to let the app on foreground always. By the way, minimizing or not, when I change my navigation page on the transition function disappear. The notification comes nice, but the javascript code don't work, it's like the cordova obj got away and with it the transition function. There is some way to hold da transition operatiing with the app in foreground? The background problem I already solved with another plugin that does not interfere with this. The problem is the navigation erase the transition function. Reloading the page causes the same effect.