Ripped out therubyracer and pared down the handlebars.rb API conform to new limitations.
No ruby callbacks
No automatic data proxying and cross-language function invocation
Must write helpers/partials in JS and load in to the VM
You will be untethered from the anchro which is the ancient libv8. You will get ARM compatibility. You will get easy gem installation. Just look at the CI runs:
Not compatible with ruby 3.1 just yet but I will give it a shot soon.
Am looking at handlebars for some templating, and was hoping a single library for both front end JS environment AND backend Rails environment... Thoughts on this project? Is there a updated active fork?
Ripped out therubyracer and pared down the handlebars.rb API conform to new limitations.
Not compatible with ruby 3.1 just yet but I will give it a shot soon.