cowinapi / developer.cowin

This group is created to facilitate technical and integration discussions related to cowin platform. API related contents can be obtained at API setu portal
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Unauthenticated access! #282

Open SHEKHAR-SAHU-JAIPUR opened 3 years ago

SHEKHAR-SAHU-JAIPUR commented 3 years ago

import requests

url = ""

browser_header = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.76 Safari/537.36', 'x-api-key': '3sjOr2rmM52GzhpMHjDEE1kpQeRxwFDr4YcBEimi'}

myobj = { "mobile": "8387xxxxxx" }

x =, json = myobj, headers=browser_header)

txnid = x.text[10:-2] print(txnid)

url2 = ""

browser_header2 = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.76 Safari/537.36', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {txnid}'}


y = requests.get(url2, headers=browser_header2)


SHEKHAR-SAHU-JAIPUR commented 3 years ago

It is not working because i am using test server api and test api-key ,, do i have to choose production api and ask developers for production api-key ???

siddhesh1770 commented 3 years ago

You have to post mobile in Json

siddhesh1770 commented 3 years ago
import json
import requests

mobo  = {'mobile':'9999999999'}
headers = {# your client headers}
url = # post url
data = json.dumps(mobo)
r = , data = data, headers = headers)
parjanyaacoder commented 3 years ago

How to get API Key for production APIs ?

siddhesh1770 commented 3 years ago

I tried applying for one but I received this response image

parjanyaacoder commented 3 years ago

@siddhesh1770 They just told you that you require API key but did not gave you one.

siddhesh1770 commented 3 years ago

As you can see in email, it says API to book appointments have NOT been made for private entities

maniteja commented 3 years ago

I tried applying for one but I received this response image

hi can u send me email

kichappa commented 3 years ago
'x-api-key': '3sjOr2rmM52GzhpMHjDEE1kpQeRxwFDr4YcBEimi'}
myobj = {
   "mobile": "8387xxxxxx"
x =, json = myobj, headers=browser_header)

@SHEKHAR-SAHU-JAIPUR, not sure about the test server, but for the production server, you need to add a secret in your json.

myobj = {
    "mobile": "9876543210",
    "secret": <some token>
alokas commented 3 years ago

I am developing a subsystem in my company with the COWIN API's, after looking at the documentation, I found that, the following things are possible with the public API today

  1. Authenticate a mobile number using an OTP
  2. Download the certificate (provisional)
  3. Look for slots (cached information for 30 mins) based on Lat/Long / District and PinCode

If you are trying to do anything different (book appointments), we need an API key, which they are not providing currently.

Now, if you are trying to the above, here is how you can do it.

Step 1: Generate an OTP

Given below is a curl request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"mobile":"9888812345"}'

You will get a transaction ID in the request (Sample output)

    "txnId": "2c009b5e-d218-47a9-992c-0e10531fcf1a"

You would have received an OTP on the mobile.

Step 1b. Convert the OTP (6 digits) into a SHA 256 digest. You can write the code to do so in your language, but if you want to quickly test it, you can use the following website

I am converting a OTP of 111111

The output comes out to bcb15f821479b4d5772bd0ca866c00ad5f926e3580720659cc80d39c9d09802a

Step 2: Authenticate the OTP, Please pass the transaction ID and the SHA-256 hash of the OTP

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "otp": "bcb15f821479b4d5772bd0ca866c00ad5f926e3580720659cc80d39c9d09802a",
  "txnId": "2c009b5e-d218-47a9-992c-0e10531fcf1a"

This will give you a JWT token as output, please use that for bearer. in any other queries (The certificate download one). For others we need an API key, but its not given out. I hope this helps

kichappa commented 3 years ago

@alokas use the Protected APIs if OTP authentication is being done anyway. It is better and responds with real-time data.

siddhesh1770 commented 3 years ago

I tried applying for one but I received this response image

hi can u send me email


viksharma1987 commented 3 years ago

How long can we use the same bearer token? @alokas

siddhesh1770 commented 3 years ago

How long can we use the same bearer token? @alokas

15 minutes

kichappa commented 3 years ago

@dineshmenon could you describe your process of accessing the API and where you are running the script at?


Nevermind. Add these to your headers and see if the issue persists.

"origin": "",
"referer": ""
kichappa commented 3 years ago

@dineshmenon Okay, this might be silly, but...


Are you using or

Also, your code seems fine to me, and a similar code is working for me right now.

kichappa commented 3 years ago

I hope this is the right one, isn't it?

Yeah, the Otp is the right one for validation but OTP is the correct one while generation. Odd.

clinomaniacop commented 3 years ago

@alokas For the vaccination certificate API , where should we send the API key? And if we need a API key why is it ;listed in public APIs?

alokas commented 3 years ago

@alokas For the vaccination certificate API , where should we send the API key? And if we need a API key why is it ;listed in public APIs?

Anurag, for the public API, we don't need the API key. But we do need the mobile OTP

  1. Generate OTP by sending a POST to ​/v2​/auth​/public​/generateOTP
  2. Confirm the OTP /v2/auth/public/confirmOTP

Once this is done, then you will get a bearer token.

You will also need to know the beneficiary ID in advance.

GET ​/v2​/registration​/certificate​/public​/download

This one will accept the bearer token generated above.

There are no public APIs for getting the list of beneficiary's associated with the mobile number.

alokas commented 3 years ago

Please let me know if you need a code sample for download of the the certificate.

clinomaniacop commented 3 years ago

@alokas I have got all the things sorted till the vaccine certificate generation snippet. I have generated the top ( without the key ) , validated it, and used the bearer token in the header for the vaccination certificate download. And the certificate is also downloading. However, the certificate reads " Unauthenticated access ". When I return the status code of the response it reads 401. I have even copy-pasted my code in issue #386. Could you please look into it once? Thank you

alokas commented 3 years ago

Here is the code that I just tested, and I was able to download my. certificate. Please replace the phone number in line 11 and beneficiary id in line 50

`import requests import hashlib from pathlib import Path

print ("Running Generate OTP");

URL = "" response =, json={ "mobile": "9876543210" }, headers={ "accept": "application/json", "content-type": "application/json", "User-Agent" : "PostmanRuntime/7.28.0", "Accept-Encoding" : "gzip, deflate, br", "Host": "" })

The resposne JSON will have the transaction ID, we will use in the next call

print (response.text)

otp=str(input("Enter the recieved OTP: "))

We are generating the SHA-256 Hash


print("Running Confirm OTP Call");

URL = "" response =, json={ "otp": otpHash, "txnId": response.json()['txnId'] }, headers={ "accept": "application/json", "content-type": "application/json", "User-Agent" : "PostmanRuntime/7.28.0", "Accept-Encoding" : "gzip, deflate, br", "Host": "" })

print (response.json());

Extract bearer token from there


10 to 14 character beneficiary ID


URL = "" + str(ben_id)

response = requests.get(URL, headers={ "accept": "application/pdf", "content-type": "application/json", "User-Agent" : "PostmanRuntime/7.28.0", "Accept-Encoding" : "gzip, deflate, br", "Host": "", "authorization": "Bearer {}".format(bearer_token) })

writing the PDF

filename = ben_id + ".pdf" filehandle = Path(filename) filehandle.write_bytes(response.content)


klpradeepkl commented 3 years ago

I am developing a subsystem in my company with the COWIN API's, after looking at the documentation, I found that, the following things are possible with the public API today

  1. Authenticate a mobile number using an OTP
  2. Download the certificate (provisional)
  3. Look for slots (cached information for 30 mins) based on Lat/Long / District and PinCode

If you are trying to do anything different (book appointments), we need an API key, which they are not providing currently.

Now, if you are trying to the above, here is how you can do it.

Step 1: Generate an OTP

Given below is a curl request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"mobile":"9888812345"}'

You will get a transaction ID in the request (Sample output)

    "txnId": "2c009b5e-d218-47a9-992c-0e10531fcf1a"

You would have received an OTP on the mobile.

Step 1b. Convert the OTP (6 digits) into a SHA 256 digest. You can write the code to do so in your language, but if you want to quickly test it, you can use the following website

I am converting a OTP of 111111

The output comes out to bcb15f821479b4d5772bd0ca866c00ad5f926e3580720659cc80d39c9d09802a

Step 2: Authenticate the OTP, Please pass the transaction ID and the SHA-256 hash of the OTP

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "otp": "bcb15f821479b4d5772bd0ca866c00ad5f926e3580720659cc80d39c9d09802a",
  "txnId": "2c009b5e-d218-47a9-992c-0e10531fcf1a"

This will give you a JWT token as output, please use that for bearer. in any other queries (The certificate download one). For others we need an API key, but its not given out. I hope this helps

With & without authentication public/protected endpoints for certificate i am getting 401 unauthorized error. Are you still able to generate certificate ?

alokas commented 3 years ago

I am developing a subsystem in my company with the COWIN API's, after looking at the documentation, I found that, the following things are possible with the public API today

  1. Authenticate a mobile number using an OTP
  2. Download the certificate (provisional)
  3. Look for slots (cached information for 30 mins) based on Lat/Long / District and PinCode

If you are trying to do anything different (book appointments), we need an API key, which they are not providing currently. Now, if you are trying to the above, here is how you can do it. Step 1: Generate an OTP Given below is a curl request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"mobile":"9888812345"}'

You will get a transaction ID in the request (Sample output)

    "txnId": "2c009b5e-d218-47a9-992c-0e10531fcf1a"

You would have received an OTP on the mobile. Step 1b. Convert the OTP (6 digits) into a SHA 256 digest. You can write the code to do so in your language, but if you want to quickly test it, you can use the following website I am converting a OTP of 111111 The output comes out to bcb15f821479b4d5772bd0ca866c00ad5f926e3580720659cc80d39c9d09802a Step 2: Authenticate the OTP, Please pass the transaction ID and the SHA-256 hash of the OTP

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "otp": "bcb15f821479b4d5772bd0ca866c00ad5f926e3580720659cc80d39c9d09802a",
  "txnId": "2c009b5e-d218-47a9-992c-0e10531fcf1a"

This will give you a JWT token as output, please use that for bearer. in any other queries (The certificate download one). For others we need an API key, but its not given out. I hope this helps

With & without authentication public/protected endpoints for certificate i am getting 401 unauthorized error. Are you still able to generate certificate ?

I have sent the sample code, on top. Please see if that is working. You will need to pass additional headers lie the connection and the Host header.