cowlicks / privacypossum

Privacy Possum makes tracking you less profitable
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Google Tag Manager bypass of ad/tracker blocking #159

Open HenrikStevn opened 5 years ago

HenrikStevn commented 5 years ago

This type of approach may already be caught by Privacy Possum's heuristics if somebody is actually using for tracking, and not just as a demonstration, but it seems interesting:

Privacy Possum doesn't block it, Privacy Badger doesn't block it, ublock Origin (with most filter lists selected) doesn't block it, not even by denying all 3rd-party resources, apparently the only way to block it is to disable Javascript on the page.

Maybe it's not worth adding to Privacy Possum just yet, I've never noticed anything like this in the wild. But it's certainly something to be aware of, as it may become used in the future.

uBlock-user commented 5 years ago

ublock Origin (with most filter lists selected) doesn't block it

because there's no filter for it, or if you're using dynamic Filtering then there's no rules for it.

just add analytics$script to My Filters, do a cache free reload and it will work. This is hardly any mindboggling discovery. It exists since years now, Website devs can change the name of resources and the game of cat and mouse continues.

Better yet use uBO in no-script mode by disabling javascript alltogether with JS masterswitch in uBO and this will never work.