cowprotocol / dune-bridge

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Dune Sync #45

Open bh2smith opened 1 year ago

bh2smith commented 1 year ago

Instructions from Dune:

AWS Stuff

  1. [ ] The data is written into Dune’s S3 buckets. We assume we host the data, but the data still belongs to you.
  2. [ ] Separate IAM users are created for the community data providers to write data. IAM roles created by data providers are added to the trust policy to allow them to assume IAM roles within our account. This security measure minimizes the number of different credentials maintained by data providers.
  3. [ ] Data providers should write objects with the bucket-owner-full-control canned ACL. -- #44
  4. [ ] Pre-specified External IDs must be used when assuming the role.

File Formating

  1. [ ] We use JSON format to write data into S3 buckets.
  2. [ ] The file names should contain a predefined constant prefix. (e.g. cow_{the rest of the filename}.json)
  3. [ ] We intend to keep filenames very simple. Filenames need to contain an increasing sequence number (e.g., cow_000000000000001.json, cow_000000000000001.json). We are releasing a new update to be able to test timestamps instead of sequence numbers in the filenames.
  4. [ ] The data is written into JSON files as JSON objects.
  5. [ ] The data in JSON files should not be enclosed in array brackets.
  6. [ ] Generally, we avoid updates to the written files. If you are producing data every minute, you can write separate files.
  7. [ ] Written data should follow an append-only approach. We can discuss strategies for data updates and deletion separately.
  8. [ ] Name/value pairs in JSON files should correspond to the column names and data values in the target data table.
  9. [ ] If you plan to write data into several tables, you can write data for different tables in different folders in the S3 bucket. (e.g. s3:::{bucket name}/{folder name}) - #44
  10. [ ] We only support predefined schemas at the moment. Data providers should define schemas of the final tables in advance.