cowsed / PDMProject

Video Game PDM Project
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Long Form TODO List #12

Closed Ocelmot closed 6 months ago

Ocelmot commented 6 months ago

Application Requirements

Submission Requirements

Additional Instructions

Data must be loaded into the proper account area.

Data in the dataset may have been converted to numbers for storage. (ie. 1 for male, 2 for female). You must store them as their non-numeric values ( ie. male and female).

You must have enough data in this phase to do phase 4 and have it loaded for this phase. How much is enough? 10s-100s of rows in each table, while a M:N table should have 200-500. To simplify, after a join with a complex query, you should have several thousand rows.

Your application cannot be just a collection of ”select * from table” and have the apllication combine the data. You must do the data and relationship combinations in SQL.

Submit a Zip file containing the report outlined above (Report.PDF), the ER Diagram (ERDiagram.PDF), and a Reduction to tables (Reduction.PDF), a Video ( or other type of movie file, no links) and your source files (inside a src folder) in a file name All 3 PDF files should be in the root of the zip. Failure to follow any submission guidelines (location of files, type of files, zipping, naming, etc) will earn a 0 for this phase.

You should update your peer evaluation for this phase at this time, though you are not required to submit it at this time.

A 6-10 minutes video demonstrating the application running and manipulating data with a voice over explaining the application. You should show the database state before and after the data changes to show how data is manipulated (this can be done using a tool like DataGrip). We will not be running your application, it is important that your demo covers the functionality of the application.

There will be a penalty for going under or over the time for the video

Ocelmot commented 6 months ago

It might be nice to show a list of the players that one player follows

Ocelmot commented 6 months ago

I think it might have been worth it to check with the professors to see what it means by "See below for possible data sets that you can use." for our data sources. It looks like the next phase is to do analysis on the data, but our data is not very meaningful since it is synthetic.