Maxquant 2.1.4 is shutting down during MaxDIA run (discovery mode libraries) without reporting any error in the proc folder.
I have 330 files in total from which 5 different samples with 66 SEC fractions each. I need to run them all at once to get the LFQ values and compare them. I am assigning the experiments as follows:
Maxquant 2.1.4 is shutting down during MaxDIA run (discovery mode libraries) without reporting any error in the proc folder. I have 330 files in total from which 5 different samples with 66 SEC fractions each. I need to run them all at once to get the LFQ values and compare them. I am assigning the experiments as follows:
File Experiment Fraction Sample_t0_fraction_01.raw t0 1 Sample_t0_fraction_02.raw t0 2 . . . . . . Sample_t1_fraction_01.raw t1 1 Sample_t2_fraction_01.raw t2 1
(All in the same parameter group) I use the default settings with LFQ and iBAQ on, plus "Separate LFQ in parameter groups" on.
That's the last file generated in proc:
I have also tried to run only one samples (with 66 Fractions) and it still crashes, so I'm not sure if it's a sample size issue.