coxlab / prednet

Code and models accompanying "Deep Predictive Coding Networks for Video Prediction and Unsupervised Learning"
MIT License
765 stars 260 forks source link Analysis #91

Open Ibrahim-Hashim-Coding opened 1 year ago

Ibrahim-Hashim-Coding commented 1 year ago


I am a PhD student working on computational predictive coding. I really liked your work and would like to compare the PredNet architecture to a network I have implemented myself as a comparison. I was wondering how exactly you prepared the dataset. I see that there are at times weird values (spikes) in their steering angle. Did you use some kind of threshold to get rid of very large numbers? If you have some code to share that would be great. I have attached a photo of a graph showing time vs steering angle for their 2016-04-21--14-48-08.h5 file.

