All images in drupal become a File (stored in table file_managed).
They can be displayed in node editors (wysiwyg editor) in image_fields, in views and in other entities (like taxonomy terms).
I think it makes the most sense to connect the Alt/Description tags to the drupal-File and display it everywhere the same image appears within drupal.
The rendering can best be adjusted during rendering of the (wysiwyg)-text field (via text-formats), the image-field and the views.
All images in drupal become a File (stored in table file_managed). They can be displayed in node editors (wysiwyg editor) in image_fields, in views and in other entities (like taxonomy terms).
I think it makes the most sense to connect the Alt/Description tags to the drupal-File and display it everywhere the same image appears within drupal.
The rendering can best be adjusted during rendering of the (wysiwyg)-text field (via text-formats), the image-field and the views.