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Translate the survey in Chinese #10

Closed FedericoTartarini closed 2 years ago

FedericoTartarini commented 3 years ago

questions += [ Question(title: "How would you prefer to be? (您现在希望) ", options: ["Cooler (冷一点) ", "No Change (不变) ", "Warmer (热一点) "], icons: ["tp-cooler", "comfortable", "tp-warmer"], nextQuestion: [1, 1, 1], identifier: "tc-preference"), Question(title: "Where are you (您现在所处位置)?", options: ["Home (家) ", "Office (办公室) ", "Vehicle (交通工具) ", "Other (其他) "], icons: ["loc-home", "loc-office", "loc-vehicle", "loc-other"], nextQuestion: [2, 2, 2, 2], identifier: "location-place"), Question(title: "Are you (您现在在)?", options: ["Indoor (室内)", "Outdoor (室外)"], icons: ["loc-indoor", "loc-outdoor"], nextQuestion: [3, 3], identifier: "location-in-out"), Question(title: "What clothes are you wearing (您此刻的衣着情况)?", options: ["Very light (非常轻薄)", "Light (轻薄)", "Medium (适中)", "Heavy (厚重)"], icons: ["clo-very-light", "clo-light", "clo-medium", "clo-heavy"], nextQuestion: [4, 4, 4, 4], identifier: "clo"), Question(title: "Activity last 10-minutes (您此刻前10分钟内的活动状态)", options: ["Relaxing (躺卧)", "Sitting(静坐)", "Standing (站立)", ", "Exercising (锻炼)"], icons: ["met-relaxing", "met-sitting", "met-walking", "met-exercising"], nextQuestion: [5, 5, 5, 5], identifier: "met"), Question(title: "Can you perceive air movement (您此刻是否有吹风感)?", options: ["Yes (是)", "No (否)"], icons: ["yes", "no"], nextQuestion: [6, 6], identifier: "air-speed"), Question(title: "Should the light be (您现在希望灯光)?", options: ["Dimmer (暗一点)", "No change (不变)", "Brighter (亮一点)"], icons: ["light-dim", "light-comf", "light-bright"], nextQuestion: [7, 7, 7], identifier: "light"), Question(title: "Any changes in the last 10-min?", options: ["Yes", "No"], icons: ["yes", "no"], nextQuestion: [8, 8], identifier: "any-change"), Question(title: "The air is ... (您此时觉得空气)", options: ["Stuffy (浑浊)", "Fresh (新鲜)"], icons: ["air-quality-smelly", "air-quality-fresh"], nextQuestion: [9, 9], identifier: "air-quality"), Question(title: "Do you feel ... (您此时感觉)?", options: ["Sleepy (疲倦)", "Alert (清醒)"], icons: ["alertness-sleepy", "alertness-alert"], nextQuestion: [10, 10], identifier: "alertness"), Question(title: "The space is ... (您此时感觉空间)", options: ["Too Quiet (非常安静)", "Comfortable (舒适)", "Too noisy (非常吵)"], icons: ["noise-quiet", "noise-no-change", "noise-noisy"], nextQuestion: [11, 11, 11], identifier: "noise"), Question(title: "Should the air movement be? (您希望室内空气流动)", options: ["Less (减少)", "No Change (不变)", "More (增多)"], icons: ["air-mov-less", "air-mov-no-change", "air-mov-more"], nextQuestion: [12, 12, 12], identifier: "air-movement"), Question(title: "Thank you (谢谢)!!!", options: ["Submit survey (提交)"], icons: ["submit"], nextQuestion: [999], identifier: "end"),