cozmo / jsQR

A pure javascript QR code reading library. This library takes in raw images and will locate, extract and parse any QR code found within.
Apache License 2.0
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error reading qr with webcam - strange behavior #105

Open ThorthChariot opened 5 years ago

ThorthChariot commented 5 years ago


i found a problem with scanning QR with webcam. I have 2 qr code, both qr are make by the same php class, one can be read and decode and the other one cannot, also if i try both qr on another code, work both and decode, can u help me ? or what is the problem....

cozmo commented 5 years ago

@ThorthChariot can you provide the image that fails to decode?

ThorthChariot commented 5 years ago

hey :)

yea of course, in fact i found other issue to say so.... this week i'll provide some image that fails to decode.

ps: kinda forgat about this issue .... thanks for remember me :)