cozmo / jsQR

A pure javascript QR code reading library. This library takes in raw images and will locate, extract and parse any QR code found within.
Apache License 2.0
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Any Idea why this Qr Can Not be Parsed? #201

Open ewkonzo opened 3 years ago

ewkonzo commented 3 years ago


azack commented 3 years ago

Works for me with jsqr@^1.4.0 and upng-js@^2.1.0 as a helper (since this is a test):

 const pngBuffer = fs.readFileSync(
    const pngData: upng.Image = upng.decode(pngBuffer);
    const qrArray = new Uint8ClampedArray(upng.toRGBA8(pngData)[0]);
    const mockImageData: ImageData = {
      data: qrArray,
      height: 1125,
      width: 576
     const code = jsQR(,
    if (code) {
      console.log("Found QR code", code);
   Found QR code {
      binaryData: [
        104, 116, 116, 112, 115, 58,
         47,  47,  97,  98,  99, 46,
        107, 111, 110, 122, 111, 46,
        120, 121, 122,  47
      data: '',
      chunks: [ { type: 'byte', bytes: [Array], text: '' } ],
      version: 3,
      location: {
        topRightCorner: { x: 346, y: 865 },
        topLeftCorner: { x: 230, y: 865 },
        bottomRightCorner: { x: 346, y: 981 },
        bottomLeftCorner: { x: 230, y: 981 },
        topRightFinderPattern: { x: 332, y: 879 },
        topLeftFinderPattern: { x: 244, y: 879 },
        bottomLeftFinderPattern: { x: 244, y: 967 },
        bottomRightAlignmentPattern: { x: 320, y: 955 }