cozuya / secret-hitler

A web adaptation of the social deduction board game Secret Hitler.
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When A Season Ends in Secret Hitler #709

Closed Idrissa9 closed 6 years ago

Idrissa9 commented 6 years ago

As I know recently this has been a wide spread topic that many have contributed on. However with this stated I personally feel this could be a positive reward for finishing high among the leaderboard at the end of the season.

Leaderboard Explanation: Im thinking that at the end of a season there is to be an online leaderboard published. Now on this leaderboard it will be ranked from the highest winrate to the lowest winrate containing everyone who played at least 100 games throughout the season. (I would have put 50 games but the winrate could be remarkably high as when you have 50 games your winrate changes drastically everygame + a season is more than a month long, as also this would reduce the risk of an undeserving player placing highly among the ranks)

Leaderboard Reward Explanation: The top 20 players within the leaderboard will be able to get an emoji/symbol of their choice next to their name (similarly like the tournament crowns) and they would also be able to change the colour of their name to their choice. In addition to this they would gain access to using a gif as their profile picture if they want to. The 20 players will be removed of their special colour and gif profile at the end of the next season, but will be allowed to keep their emoji unless they personally want it removed.

Suggestions: As there are currently seasons going I was also thinking that at the end of each season to have the start of a pre-season/off season in which games played do not count towards the next season's winrate, this pre-season period would last for 3 days.

We could also have a bronze, silver, gold, and platinum system related to the emojis.

^ Contact on discord SanchesFx#8200 via dm for more information about this system

cozuya commented 6 years ago

I like this other than setting name color. I think that will go a bit far and have people pretending to be moderators/having black names, total clown show UI. I would love some more feedback on this idea.

TheJStone commented 6 years ago

Gifs would be a really bad idea in my opinion. I do not know about other people but I would find them distracting if they are plastered and repeating on my screen for 20 minutes and moderating those properly could get tough as well. I feel like having the awarded colors of bronze, silver, gold and platinum through to the next season would fit nicely with the current color scheme approach and would not require much effort to add. It would be a nice subtle award. Emojis are ok. i don't see the appeal but I have nothing against them. I don't see them getting in the way, are easy to integrate and there is no moderation necessary if from a standard set. Sadly, I am a systems engineer who does java/go/python so don't have much current skill to contribute.

Blacklock commented 6 years ago

Those who were in the top n in the last season could just get an icon like the tournament crown, but them being able to pick it? I think the pre-made same icon for all of them would be fine. This icon would stay for the whole season. Once the season ends, new players would get the icons and the previous winners would lose them. And perhaps also a permanent badge on their profile page at the end of every season showing how well they performed.

Ophxlia commented 6 years ago

there could be a 'hall of fame' type thing if you were in like the top 10 in a season it would show your name and position in the season.

cozuya commented 6 years ago

ok so thinking that I will provide silver/gold/diamond badges to the top players of this season. When I run a query of players in this season who have more than 100 seasonalWins and more than 100 seasonalLosses and a win rate over 52% that returns 85 players. Does it sound fair to start the rewards there? Any thoughts?

caelanot commented 6 years ago

Why would you make it with people having more than 100 losses? That means you need to play badly for a badge?

cozuya commented 6 years ago

TBH its because I'm bad at mongodb queries.. 🤔

morewhales commented 6 years ago

maybe make it 100 games and reward the top “x” amount of players

cozuya commented 6 years ago

I did this season of top ~60 players who had more than 150 wins. If there's something better you guys/gals would like to see for s3 I'm all ears.