Do NOT remove contact's address when removing a start/end place
address. Instead, we simply remove the relation between the trip
and the contact
Fix title generation: it was not updating when setting a new address
Take advantage of existing addresses: we used to re-create new
addresses each time we manually set a contact to a start/end place. We
now use the same matching method than the recurringPurposes service,
based on the geo coordinates. We now re-use the closest matching address.
Custom labels were not properly displayed
### ✨ Features
### 🐛 Bug Fixes
* Custom labels were not properly displayed
* Contact's addresses were removed when user was removing a start/end place address from a trip
* New addresses were always re-created when manually setting them to a start/end place
* Title was not correctly computed when setting an address
### 🔧 Tech
There are basically 4 things: