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Fix current process directory when running vagrant ssh-config #52

Closed bnjbvr closed 9 years ago

bnjbvr commented 9 years ago

Otherwise, I would get an error message that there is no Vagrant instance around, even with the latest Vagrant. I've also added debug information, in case this command gets an error.

bnjbvr commented 9 years ago

(as a reminder: __dirname is the directory name from which the script is being run (or located, I'm not entirely sure). In my case, it was /usr/local/bin (or /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cozy-dev/), and running vagrant ssh-config in these directories returned errors.)

frankrousseau commented 9 years ago

Thx again @bnjbvr

@jsilvestre @poupotte Could you review that one and ensure that the working directory is correct?

jsilvestre commented 9 years ago

I tested the change, it works. The issue was it was working when testing locally, but not when installed globally through npm.

@poupotte can you have a look at it too before we merged? since you wrote the code, you are the best to review it.

poupotte commented 9 years ago

It's ok for me. Thanks @bnjbvr .

bnjbvr commented 9 years ago

Thanks! Please wait a few before merging it, I still have issues...

bnjbvr commented 9 years ago

Nope, actually an issue with my config. Feel free to merge it whenever you can ;)

frankrousseau commented 9 years ago

We will publish all the changes tomorrow.