cozygene / FEAST

Fast expectation maximization for microbial source tracking
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Error in totalsource_2[(j + 1), ] <- t(unknown_source_rarefy) #46

Open awsdd opened 1 year ago

awsdd commented 1 year ago


I have four sets of data that are derived from the same overall dataset. All four have identical metadata set up. Upon running the FEAST function I get the following error:

Error in totalsource_2[(j + 1), ] <- t(unknown_source_rarefy) : number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length

This only occurs for three of the four sets of data; the other runs successfully. I'm using the different_sources_flag = 1 argument; out of curiosity I changed this to 0 and FEAST then ran successfully (although obviously the analysis/results is then not correct for my data set up).

Do you have any suggestions as to why this error is occurring? Many thanks

liashenhav commented 1 year ago

You may have NAs in you datasets... You can share your code and data and I'll try to replicate it.

Best, Liat

awsdd commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much. I have sent an email with the code and data files. I can't find any NAs in them so it will be interesting to see if the issue replicates at your end.

atancred commented 1 year ago

Hi, i'm experiencing the same issue and i was wondering if you were able to find a solution. I have no NA in my datasets.

Best, Alessandra

liashenhav commented 1 year ago

Issue fixed in the source code. Please download the latest version of FEAST and try again.

Thanks, Liat

awsdd commented 1 year ago

Thanks Liat, this seems to have solved the problem. Appreciate the fix.
