cp3-llbb / Framework

Common framework for all cp3-llbb analyses
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Move test files away from my CERN public folder #256

Open blinkseb opened 7 years ago

blinkseb commented 7 years ago

Test files currently used to test PRs are hosted on my public CERN folder. Since it'll soon no longer be accessible, files should be moved away. Files needed to be move are located here:


as well as /afs/cern.ch/user/s/sbrochet/public/CP3/reduceEdmFile.py (small CMSSW config file to skim a miniaod file and keep only a bunch of events)

As we discussed IRL a bit yesterday, long-term solution might by that @delaere hosts these files, as he's the most likely to stick around :smile:

Christophe, can you ping me once you have move the file to a publicly available space (files must be downloadable from outside CERN)?

OlivierBondu commented 6 years ago

mmm, the files are now in access denied and it seems there is nothing in /afs/cern.ch/user/d/delaer/public and /afs/cern.ch/user/c/cdelaere/public is not accessible :cry:

@blinkseb : any chance you have stored this reduceEdmFile.py file somewhere else ?

OlivierBondu commented 6 years ago

ha, the files are still in /afs/cern.ch/user/s/sbrochet/public/CP3 apparently, so it's just a matter of having a cern website set up :smile:

I copied all the content of that dir to /afs/cern.ch/user/o/obondu/public/CP3 in the meantime

OlivierBondu commented 6 years ago

I put the files in /eos/user/o/obondu/www/public/CP3 and in /afs/cern.ch/user/o/obondu/public/CP3 as a temporary solution. The eos location is also now tied to https://obondu.web.cern.ch/obondu/public/CP3/ as one can see in the PR https://github.com/cp3-llbb/Framework/pull/259

@delaere : I pretty much followed https://cernbox.web.cern.ch/cernbox/en/web/ to set up the website, so this issue stays open but we have a working solution for the moment it seems :)

pieterdavid commented 5 years ago

I'm getting a 503: Service Unavailable. error... I can push them to my public_html at CP3 for now, but maybe there is a better solution in the mean time?

delaere commented 5 years ago

For MoMEMta, we moved files needed by Travis to my public_html... there is no better solution. See https://github.com/MoMEMta/MoMEMta/blob/master/travis/get-root.sh

We can put them there as well if you like.

pieterdavid commented 5 years ago

They should be good in mine for a while as well, and I don't mind... so as you prefer

delaere commented 5 years ago

It is probably more flexible if you keep them, indeed.