cp3-llbb / HHAnalysis

HH analysis for CP3 llbb framework
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Re-apply HLT safe ID on electrons (+ IP cuts)? #136

Closed swertz closed 7 years ago

swertz commented 7 years ago

HWW ID was https://github.com/cp3-llbb/HHAnalysis/pull/125/files#diff-6cdb42586ea6220d1c53fa646556a54cL330

So official HLT ID plus IP cuts plus something else.

The recommended IP cuts (https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/CutBasedElectronIdentificationRun2#Offline_selection_criteria) are tighter than the ones used by HWW and have been shown to have no effect on Scale Factors. We can add them just for peace of mind, probably won't change anything.

I can put the ID+cuts back but nothing prevents us from requesting them in the plotter/skimmer at a later stage, on top of medium ID. It's just a bit more code to compile but means more freedom to go back if something has to be changed...


OlivierBondu commented 7 years ago

this can be closed right ?

swertz commented 7 years ago

Yep by #138 !