cp3-llbb / TTAnalysis

TTbar analysis for CP3 llbb framework
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First tests #4

Closed swertz closed 8 years ago

swertz commented 8 years ago

Version used for first preliminary tests on "complete" MC & data samples.

blinkseb commented 8 years ago

Testing it :)

blinkseb commented 8 years ago

Shouldn't the NoZTT*Category categories be removed?

swertz commented 8 years ago

It does something different from the Z veto, so I wanted to keep it separately: an event falls in NoZ* when the seleced leading lepton pair is not in the Z peak, whereas the ZVeto* categories vetoes any pair of leptons in the Z peak. But we could also implement it as a cut in the TTDilepton category (the problem with all the events passing the cut is not a problem here since NoZ derives from the TTDilepton)... I'm not sure yet whether we should veto any other extra lepton, or just the ones consistent with a Z present in the event. I'm also wondering why http://cms.cern.ch/iCMS/analysisadmin/cadi?ancode=TOP-15-003 vetoes e/mu pairs with m_ll < 20GeV since resonances only decay so same flavour leptons (right?)...

blinkseb commented 8 years ago

Ok I see, so it's good for me :smile: I'll merge as it is, and we can discuss the remaining open items tomorrow.

swertz commented 8 years ago
