cpainchaud / RFLink32

RFLink for ESP, with MQTT client
118 stars 44 forks source link

Fix for compile issues with arduino IDE and disabled OTA/portal #75

Closed nona00 closed 8 months ago

nona00 commented 1 year ago


thank you very much for the development. I only needed serial transmission for replacing an arduino uno with a wemos d1 mini (ESP8266).

I had serveral issues with compilation with arduino IDE 1.8.1x 1) .ino file was not contained in the git 2) main.cpp was necessary to be removed (otherwise linkage fails) 3) 13_OTA.h and RFLink.cpp did not have a selection for RFLINK_PORTAL_DISABLED 4) ARDUINOJSON_USE_LONG_LONG 1 had to be added to RFLink.h to solve compile issue with ArduinoJSON 6.18.5. Compiliation with 6.21.1 fails 5) some plugins had include paths

attached is a patch with my modifications


cpainchaud commented 8 months ago

Hello and thank you,

This project is not meant to be compiled with Arduino IDE because their IDE lacks quite a few modern features (may be latest Arduino has improved, I don't know but the fact than the entry point has to be an INO file is already a blocker by itself...)