I've seen similar errors where the $! value was "Argument list too
long". This usually happens if PERL5LIB is too long and exceeds the
environment's maximum length. However, on current Unix systems this is
typically more than 100kB, and PERL5LIB in the problematic report is far
fom this limit.
If this is widespread/common/random, I wonder if CPAN::Reporter et al. need
to try to detect this error and not send a report.
I do this (sort of) in my smoker wrapper: if a test report matches
m{Could not execute .* open3: exec of .* failed: Argument list too long at .*TAP/Parser/Iterator/Process.pm}
then it will not be sent to metabase.
Possibly the same approach could go into CPAN::Reporter, though without requiring "argument list too long" specifically. Any "open" failure in TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process is likely a failure unrelated to the distribution.
From a cpantesters-discuss mailing list thread:
Possibly the same approach could go into CPAN::Reporter, though without requiring "argument list too long" specifically. Any "open" failure in TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process is likely a failure unrelated to the distribution.