Once a user has been authorized to a PAUSE account (cpan-testers/cpantesters-web#14), we need to know what distributions that user is now authorized to manage.
CPAN distributes the permissions of modules in the 06perms.txt file. Neil Bowers has written a module to parse this: PAUSE::Permissions. This module can map PAUSE authors to modules.
Once a user has been authorized to a PAUSE account (cpan-testers/cpantesters-web#14), we need to know what distributions that user is now authorized to manage.
CPAN distributes the permissions of modules in the 06perms.txt file. Neil Bowers has written a module to parse this: PAUSE::Permissions. This module can map PAUSE authors to modules.
To map that module to a distribution file, we can use CPAN::Common::Index.
Once we have that distribution file, we need to map it to a distribution name using CPAN::DistnameInfo.
Finally, we can store that information in a new table,
, which includes the PAUSE ID, and the distribution they have access to.