cpan-testers / cpantesters-project

A meta-project for tracking CPAN Testers project goals
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Development Environment VM #4

Open preaction opened 8 years ago

preaction commented 8 years ago

We should have a development environment virtual machine that developers can download and use to test code changes to the CPANTesters application. The VM should have all the code necessary to run the application, along with some percentage of the database for sample data.

This will likely dovetail nicely with #3.

The VM should be generated with scripts so that we can re-generate it any time. This script may be part of the Rexfile. Perhaps the Rexfile could have an environment that uses a local Vagrant instance to build the VM...

preaction commented 8 years ago

I can't complete this right now at the QAH as it requires me to download an entire virtual machine, which will tax the Wifi beyond measure. I can get close, though, as I build the Rexfile to deploy the existing code and configurations. Once I'm back home, I can hook it together with a VM, debug, and commit.

ferki commented 8 years ago

Just logging here from IRC:

Perhaps the Rexfile could have an environment that uses a local Vagrant instance to build the VM...

Rex can interact with VMs, and on top of that, Rex has a built-in Vagrant-like feature called Rex::Box, which might help.

test code changes to the CPANTesters application

It sounds like Rex::Test for infrastructure tests and Rex::Misc::Sparrow/swat for application tests.