cpan-testers / cpantesters-web

A new CPAN Testers web application. The primary interface for CPAN Testers data
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Create search page using MetaCPAN Search API #16

Open preaction opened 6 years ago

preaction commented 6 years ago

Right now, the CPAN Testers website simply lists all of the authors and distributions alphabetically. This isn't an ideal way to navigate this much data. Fortunately, there's already a website that can search CPAN modules, distributions, and authors: MetaCPAN. Even more fortunately, they provide an API to their search.

We should build a page that will allow users to search for distributions and authors using a simple text box. Upon submitting a query, we will query the MetaCPAN search API using MetaCPAN::Client, get the list of modules/authors back, and render a page that directs the user to the appropriate CPAN Testers page for the author/distribution.