cpaulik / emacs-material-theme

Color Theme for emacs based on material design colors
MIT License
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Background colors only extend as far as text #49

Closed ransomts closed 3 years ago

ransomts commented 3 years ago

See screenshot for an example, this is happening for headers and blocks, and is reproducible on several machines with this minimal config file. I've added a bunch of spaces to the end of the header here but it happens on headers of all levels. Any ideas how to debug it?

(setq custom-theme-directory "~/.emacs.d/packages/emacs-material-theme")
(load-theme 'material-light t)

Screenshot from 2020-11-17 09-38-26

cpaulik commented 3 years ago

As far as I know this is just how emacs does it.

But looking at the first screenshot of e.g. it seems that the background extends the whole width of the buffer, even if the overline does not.

The second screenshot seems to contradict that though.

So maybe you can check if leuven-theme does it correctly. If it indeed does we should be able to check their config to replicate it for material theme.

ransomts commented 3 years ago

Hmm strange it does it for leuven too. For the sake of versions I'm running emacs 27.1 and org 9.3, I wonder if downgrading my org version might help. And yeah looking at those screenshots it doesn't seem very consistent - I suppose I'm more concerned with the src blocks not extending the width than the headers though. Also having a hard time finding another user with this question in general... blarg.

Thanks for the response btw

cpaulik commented 3 years ago

I think if you want a definite answer if it is even possible it might be best to inquire on the emacs reddit

ransomts commented 3 years ago

so I think I've tracked this down to an issue caused by emacs 27, (relevant reddit thread) making a change to highlighting lines - in particular the new :extend attribute.

I can put in a PR with the minimal lines that I got it working for but I'm not sure if that'll maintain the version 24 compatibility you have. In fact I think this would only go back to 26 without raising an error. What do you think?

cpaulik commented 3 years ago

I'm happy to include that. So if you could open a PR that would be great.

I'll have to check if backwards compatibility is important or if older emacs versions just get a older version of the theme through MELPA automatically.

cpaulik commented 3 years ago

I consider this closed by #50

Please reopen if other faces need to be fixed