cpbotha / nvpy

Simplenote syncing note-taking application, inspired by Notational Velocity and ResophNotes, but uglier and cross-platformerer.
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Input of diacritics via dead key unreliable #114

Open marianoju opened 9 years ago

marianoju commented 9 years ago

I am using nvPY 0.9.4 with Ubuntu 14.04 on a notebook with German keyboard layout (aka QWERTZ). When writing text in Spanish (or French) I need to type accented vowels (like á, é, í, ó, ú, OR à, è, ì, ò, ù OR â, ê, î, ô, û) and n with a tilde (ñ). This usually (e.g. with the text editor gedit, or with LibreOffice Writer) works with dead keys, i.e. press dead key first (´ OR ` OR ^ OR ~) and corresponding letter second. Pressing the dead key twice produces just the diacritical mark or grapheme.

Both input methods do not work reliably within nvPY. It sometimes does, and sometimes not. I have yet been unable to delimit this phenomenon. I have tried switching the keyboard layout settings to no avail.

bighi commented 9 years ago

It happens to me too. Using Brazilian keyboard layout.

This is the reason I could never use nvpy.

rafaelfeito commented 8 years ago

Seems to be python-tk/XIM issue related since same nvpy's version works with dead keys on debian jessie (i'm using brazilian keyboard also) this link suggest one workaround that worked here on ubuntu 14.04 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24192502/tkinter-text-widget-sometime-doesnt-register-dead-keys I've put on top of tk.py:

import os
os.environ['XMODIFIERS'] = "@im=none"