cpbotha / nvpy

Simplenote syncing note-taking application, inspired by Notational Velocity and ResophNotes, but uglier and cross-platformerer.
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Error syncing 1 note from server #80

Closed gerlos closed 5 years ago

gerlos commented 11 years ago

It's some time that I got this error:

"Error syncing 1 notes from server. Please check nvpy.log for details."

I tried to delete my ~/.nvpy/ dir and start again with a clean sync, but after a while I got again the same error. The problem is that I have 505 notes, but when nvpy spits me this error, it also end syncing notes, so at the moment I have locally only 220 notes.

Here's what I have in last lines of my nvpy.log:

2013-07-06 19:20:48,830 - DEBUG - Starting full sync. 2013-07-06 19:20:50,154 - DEBUG - Synced modified note 35 to server. 2013-07-06 19:20:51,385 - DEBUG - Synced modified note 288 to server. 2013-07-06 19:20:51,388 - DEBUG - Retrieving full note list from server, could take a while. 2013-07-06 19:21:09,814 - DEBUG - Retrieved full note list from server. 2013-07-06 19:21:10,412 - DEBUG - Synced new note 114 (505) from server. 2013-07-06 19:21:11,026 - ERROR - Error syncing new note ahFzfnNpbXBsZS1ub3RlLWhyZHINCxIETm90ZRjMt8wSDA from server: HTTP Error 404: Not Found 2013-07-06 19:21:11,031 - DEBUG - Full sync complete. 2013-07-06 19:21:11,096 - DEBUG - Currently selected note a5eeae2e03d14add8eb64bbc1d8f0de0 replaced by newer from server.

The error seems to be caused to this "ahFzfnN..." note. How can I identify it, and eventually remove/modify it to let nvpy work fine again?

I'm running nvpy 0.9.4 on Kubuntu 12.10.

raphaelbastide commented 11 years ago

Same kind of issue for me except that I can't find nvpy.log. Any help?

gerlos commented 10 years ago

Still got this problem (exactly the same error, with the same note), but for some reason now nvpy downloads more notes (~280/600 notes I have). They seem to be recently edited. So now I have about half of my notes in nvpy and half of them not there. Not perfect, but "good enough" for the moment. Hope in a solution soon.

cpbotha commented 10 years ago


I'm sorry about the syncing problems. I unfortunately have no control of the simplenote servers, so we can only debug from the client-side.

The log that you posted shows notes being synced to the server before starting the full sync, meaning that it was not the sync you did right after removing the ~/.nvpy directory.

Could you try doing that again? Exit nvpy, remove ~/.nvpy/ completely (and confirm that ~/.nvpy/ is really gone), then start nvpy again. If it still errors, please paste that log here.

gerlos commented 10 years ago

I understand.

I tried again. But this time I did a little more experiments. Did a rm -rf ~/.nvpy/, started nvpy, and waited to sync my 627 notes (seems I have more notes than I thought - later I discovered that they were mostly trashed notes).

Got the same error:

2013-10-15 17:37:30,711 - DEBUG - Synced new note 419 (628) from server.
2013-10-15 17:37:31,278 - ERROR - Error syncing new note ahFzfnNpbXBsZS1ub3RlLWhyZHINCxIETm90ZRjMt8wSDA from server: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
2013-10-15 17:37:31,832 - DEBUG - Synced new note 421 (628) from server.

Full log is here: https://app.simplenote.com/publish/mqXfSC

I also peeked in my ~/.nvpy dir and found this file: ~/.nvpy/ahFzfnNpbXBsZS1ub3RlLWhyZHINCxIEVXNlchimo9gSDA:welcome-android.json

Here's its contents:

  "modifydate": "1380299368.000000", 
  "tags": [], 
  "deleted": 0, 
  "createdate": "1380299368.000000", 
  "syncdate": 1381851115.479258, 
  "systemtags": [], 
  "content": "Benvenuto a Simplenote per Android!\nApri per accedere alle istruzioni.\n\nPer creare una nuova nota, clicca sul bottone con il segno '+'.\n\nPer effettuare una ricerca tra le tue note, clicca sul bottone di ricerca, disponibile nella barra delle azioni, ed inserire il testo da cercare. Simplenote mostrer\u00e0 i risultati della ricerca in tempo reale.\n\nHai una nota molto importante? Premi il pulsante di aggancio quando stai visualizzando la nota per agganciare la nota in testa alla lista.\n\nUsa i tags per organizzare le tue note. Puoi anche aggiungere fra i tags l'indirizzo di posta elettronica di altri utenti Simplenote per condividere le note con loro.\n\nLa condivisione delle note con altre applicazioni Android \u00e8 possibile cliccando sul pulsante 'Condividi' disponibile nel menu.\n\nLe note che hai eliminato sono disponibili all'interno del cestino. Puoi riprenderle facilmente, spostandole nuovamente tra le tue note, oppure cancellarle definitivamente svuotando il cestino.\n\nPuoi accedere alle tue note dal web, su altri dispositivi, o sul tuo computer. Visita http://simplenote.comper accedere alle tue note da qualunque posto.\n\nTi ringraziamo per aver scaricato Simplenote e ti auguriamo un buon utilizzo della applicazione!", 
  "version": 1, 
  "syncnum": 1, 
  "key": "ahFzfnNpbXBsZS1ub3RlLWhyZHINCxIEVXNlchimo9gSDA:welcome-android", 
  "minversion": 1

It's the welcome note you get when you install the simplenote app for android.

I went to the simplenote website, removed it, deleted ~/.nvpy dir and started nvpy again, waiting for full sync. Got the same error, but looking at the note file I read "deleted": 1, so I tried again after emptying simplenote trash, but got that error again. It's strange, but there were still notes listed in the trash, and I had to empty the trash again to remove all those trashed notes.

After that, I removed again ~/.nvpy/ and tried one last time, this time without any error message.

Number of notes now it's the same in both simplenote website and nvpy (282 in my case), and looking around it seems that my data is still there. So I think this has solved my problem.

At the moment I didn't try to restore that troublesome note, so I can't reproduce the problem.

Hope this helps, and again, thanks for your work!

cpbotha commented 10 years ago

Thank you very much for your efforts, and the data that you've supplied.

I see the problem: Note in the logs it only mentions "ahFzfnNpbXBsZS1ub3RlLWhyZHINCxIEVXNlchimo9gSDA", whereas the actual note key is "ahFzfnNpbXBsZS1ub3RlLWhyZHINCxIEVXNlchimo9gSDA:welcome-android". The colon is tripping it, when it should not.

I'm not sure why this is happening, because I'm using mostly standard Python machinery for parsing and whatnot. I'll look into fixing it. It looks like it downloads it the first time, but then at a subsequent sync, it chops off the last part of the key.

I'm keeping this issue open so I'll remember to fix.

stephenbalaban commented 10 years ago

Still broken for me -- just noting that here so that I can remember to try and fix should I ever have some spare time to contribute.

yuuki0xff commented 5 years ago

This issue is too old. Latest stable version is fixed many bugs. Please use the latest version.

If this problem still persists, reopen it again.