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My solutions for practice contest 5 #2

Closed hczhcz closed 2 years ago

hczhcz commented 2 years ago

Surprise! :-)

A Do some modulo calculation. Be careful that a month can have < 13 days.

B Count the number of problems that you have the same answer. Let it be x. Match x with k, and n - x with n - k.

C Map the letter at position i to pre-calculated numbers a[i], b[i], c[i] if the letter is A, B, C. Make a[i] and b[i] random. Make c[i] = a[i] ^ b[i]. In each string, xor all the mapped numbers of letters. Let them be h1, h2, and h3. If the three strings match, h1 ^ h2 ^ h3 should be 0, because a[i], b[i], c[i] (for each i) cancel each other in the xor result. So, you can check each rotation in O(1). There are n^2 possible ways to rotate. Handle symmetric cases carefully. Another solution: For each rotation of the first two strings, calculate the expected third string s. Duplicate the third string and search s in it.

D For each circle, find the begin and end angle of its intersections with circles above it. Consider each circle as a number axis from -PI to PI. Sort the angles. Sweep from -PI to PI, find the segments with no intersection. If the begin angle of a intersection is larger than the end angle, handle the overflow carefully.

E Yes, it is Eight Queens.

F It is binary search. Test IO carefully.

G Build a tree structure and do a buttom-up recursion. During recursion, calculate the best result from two cases: the current person has been chosen or not. The underlying idea is DP.

H If |ax - bx| is small, use the arc min(ay, by). Otherwise, go to the center point. Choose the shorter one from them.

I It toggles a "+" pattern of 5 cells. Scan from top to bottom and from left to right. Think each cell as the top cell of "+" and toggle it.

J It is similar to problem D. Move the radius of boar to each tree. It will not affect the result. For each tree, find the range of angle which the boar will hit the tree's circle. The range comes from either the tangent lines or the intersection points of the tree's circle with the circle of the boar's distance. Again, sort the angles, sweep from -PI to PI, and sum up the segments.

K Simply use a hash table.

L Sort the course requests by (course, name). Do a linear scan to count unique names.

M Calculate the distance between the book and each candle.

N For those books which stay on the same shelf, it is about finding the minimal insertions to sort them. Find the sequence of those books and find the longest increasing subsequence using DP. The non-increasing part requires one lift per each. For those books which should go to another shelf, it always requires one lift. If a shelf has no space but requires some action, it may use a space from some other shelf. Merge shelfs which a book move from and to into groups using union-find with path compression. If there is no space in this group, it takes one extra lift. Do not forget to handle a special case which there is no space at all.

O Do a memorized search on n by removing the last digit. If n < b, the first and only digit is n. Otherwise, try each posible digit from ceil(sqrt(b)) to b - 1. Check numeric overflow carefully.

The code: https://github.com/buckeye-cn/ACM_ICPC_Materials/tree/master/solutions/kattis

Alex7Li commented 2 years ago

Awesome, thanks for the solutions. Maybe one of the current leaders wants to merge or look at them.

zhur123 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the solutions. Added your comments to Autumn 2021. We may go over your solutions sometime this semester and/or group code up one of the harder problems at a meeting with the help of your comments