Closed pp-mo closed 10 years ago
N.B. the modded code still passes analysis.interpolate.test_Interpolator, but I haven't rigorously searched for problems in other tests It would be really handy to get the "rubber-stamp" working again by fixing the existing test failures.
It would be really handy to get the "rubber-stamp" working again by fixing the existing test failures.
I'm currently working on that. Expect possible further changes here, if that uncovers more bugs.
I'm going to re-evaluate and re-base these changes...
After discussion with @pp-mo these ideas may be investigate in the review of the PR to master.
This started out as a quick look into instance-variable names. Although that had already been greatly improved since the task was raised, I thought it might still be worth kicking the tyres.
I got a bit carried away, and there is rather more to it now... In the process of sorting out in my head the functions of the various instance variables, I realised that the pre-processing of the original cube data in "_extend_circular_coord_and_data" appeared to be doing nothing at all. It turned out is was possible to avoid that, remove the extra method and --big bonus-- stop it from loading the source-cube data.
That's what is here, along with another couple of refactors to improve code clarity a bit.
Probably best to treat this as a series of suggestions.