cpfair / tapiriik

tapiriik keeps your fitness in sync
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MovesCount support #68

Open Toilal opened 9 years ago

Toilal commented 9 years ago

It would be great to have MovesCount support.

But I don't know if i has an open API to download/upload activities ...

marguslt commented 9 years ago

Movescount being something that basically all Suunto Ambit watch users are forced to live with, I couldn't agree more. I have no idea in what terms is Suunto providing AppKeys, but the list of 3rd party applications is growing - http://www.movescount.com/connect_3rd_party_applications - and I sure hope to find Tapiirik there on one day.

In past API request have been forwarded to movescount@suunto.com . And there's https://uiservices.movescount.com/ . AppKeys of client side applications, like Suunto own Moveslink, kind of ... leak ...

BTW, working implementation of Movescount upload can be seen at https://github.com/openambitproject/openambit

sebhelsinki commented 9 years ago

Movescount already has integration to Strava. Therefore you can do Movescount -> Strava -> tapiriik-> all other services. Voila !

keithuber commented 9 years ago

+1 for direct support. Linking Movescount via Strava only works for workouts containing GPS data, which rules out indoor training.

pamikola commented 9 years ago

I was going to try and extract my data from Movescount via their API, but I cannot find how to register as an app developer (you need to register your app to get an access code for the API).

It was really easy to do with Strava (here, takes one minute), bummer Movescount is not that open.

stuefi commented 9 years ago

any developments...really want to ditch movescount...

petergebala commented 8 years ago

+1 for movescount support

pzurek commented 8 years ago

Pulling data out of Movescount via Strava is easy but it would be brilliant to be able to save activities into it. The MXActivityMover (http://www.meeximum.at/p/mxactivitymover.html) does that, but it's a rather clunky desktop app.

ghost commented 8 years ago


jiili commented 8 years ago

+1 for direct sync

ToniKorin commented 8 years ago


AllDayRuckoff commented 8 years ago

+1, would love to be able to send data into Movescount without using MX Mover

andyanderso commented 8 years ago

+1 for direct sync on movescount

inklaar commented 7 years ago

+1 for direct sync - also direct read. I experienced some glitches with the Movescount -> Strava -> World route in the past when crossing time and date zones.

kashndr commented 7 years ago

+1 for direct sync on movescount Tired of manual export/import of swimming pool activities.

jimmykane commented 7 years ago

Hi great @cpfair and the rest here (great goes also to the rest!). I had some contact from Suunto and they are ready to offer an API Connection if I understood correctly or talk this in an more confidential way.

I can bing in contact you to the appropriate people if there is time and will for this now.

Btw I have some time to spare for the API connection....

dperez3 commented 7 years ago

Please keep us updated!

jimmykane commented 7 years ago

Hi again. Suunto would like to add some agreements etc so I would like the time of @cpfair as this is his project etc.

QuadStingray commented 7 years ago


ToniNikola commented 7 years ago


jimmykane commented 7 years ago

Come on @cpfair , put a word here. We are ready to contribute!

cpfair commented 7 years ago

Yes, I have indeed been in contact with Suunto (quite a while back, now) with regards to integration. I believe I ran into issues with their unusual authentication flow, where users would have to manually "approve" the connection request from their Movescount profile (i.e. not a standard OAuth scheme). Certainly not insurmountable, but at the time I decided not to continue working on it.

dperez3 commented 7 years ago

@cpfair I'd like to investigate further and, if possible, contribute some documentation around it at the very least. Any advise on picking up where you left off?

Thanks a bunch!

jonathanbell commented 7 years ago

@marguslt Do you know how I should structure requests to: https://uiservices.movescount.com/

Didn't even know that it existed. Can't find any documentation anywhere.

jimmykane commented 7 years ago

@jonathanbell I think a email to support will solve this. I am also willing to contribute on this task

jimmykane commented 7 years ago

@cpfair @jonathanbell and the rest here. I do have the API docs and all that is needed for this to proceed but in order to proceed and obtain an API key an agreement is needed to be signed by Tapiriik (@cpfair).

Is this clear enough? Can we finialy bring Movescount to tapirrik? There are tons of users waiting for this feature.

jonathanbell commented 7 years ago

It's annoying because I've emailed them 3 times with no reply. I'm giving up.

jimmykane commented 7 years ago

@jonathanbell please no. They are very slow and it takes time. Please send an email to janne.kallio at suunto com

jimmykane commented 7 years ago

Now they want this really bad and Jane will help you. I am a fieldtester for them and the really want to make this happen. Just please give it a last shot. Many people will use this integration. Suunto is one of the 3 big players in this game.

mindrunner commented 7 years ago

Guys, do you think this is still maintained? I sent him an Email, no answer.

162 open issues 13 Pull requests No commit since ~1Year

An active Project looks different :(

cpfair commented 7 years ago

It is still maintained, but you are correct: it would be difficult to describe as an "active project."

Regarding API keys: Movescount has (or, at least, had at some point in the past) a staging environment. I think it would be possible to develop integration against this environment without the need for production API keys (which I could handle acquiring myself, once required).

marguslt commented 7 years ago

@jonathanbell , sorry for late reply. As you hopefully get access to Suunto doc, it's not really relevant anymore, but for quite some time (up till the end of 2016, iirc) uiservices had metadata publishing enabled, that was the closest thing to movescount api doc I've personally seen. Besides that, there's Openambit implementation. And debugging proxies ...

jimmykane commented 7 years ago

@cpfair this is what they say:

They have a partner API and API_KEY and there you test, then they add the API_KEY to prod and then you test in PROD, agree on publish date and then go live. Quite a standard procedure for a closed API ecosystem.

@marguslt Maybe that was possible but now it needs this agreement. I think the same happens with Endomondo or at least at the past as I had talked with @cpfair at some point.

@jonathanbell Well let me tell you that Suunto has lunched since some months a new platform, the Spartan, creating a new OS to bring touch, colors etc on smartwatches which is not android and can last 2 weeks with 500mA battery or 22h with GPS on etc etc. But the OS and product development had trouble while the product was out already. Big mistake. You can imagine how busy they were. I had also issues contacting them and in the end, I managed. Since some months now I work as a field-tester for them and I am in close contact with the responsible people related to the API and providing support. As you understand @cpfair, having the project maintained or not, this is now the correct moment for this connection to be implemented if you want this.

@cpfair You said before that:

It is still maintained, but you are correct: it would be difficult to describe as an "active project."

You said it wrong. The repo is active. At this moment it has 164 issues 13 pull requests and quite active comments. From your side maybe you can consider it 'in-active-project'.

Everybody I have told him about Tapiriik he has told me: Awesome! Tapiriik is awesome. From Suunto staff as well. Movescount holds a big share in the fitness market so I do think such an agreement will benefit you as well, from exposure (if that is your humble call), to profit/better server or a nice coffee, I do think.

Have a great weekend all of you here.


asterix commented 7 years ago

@jimmykane The question still remains though. Has anyone taken up to integrate Movescount? Since you're working closely with Suunto, do you know if it is even possible to integrate Tapiriik into it. Honestly, Movescount has been a nightmare, But Suunto is still trying to hold on to it by not providing other methods for syncing. So, I guess most people on this thread want to know if there are any plans or if someone has taken up to do it yet.

nonameolsson commented 6 years ago

Just got my Suunto Spartan Sport Wrist HR and was looking in to how to sync it with RunKeeper. I have been using Garmin before, and it has been working great.

Is there any new information about this?

jimmykane commented 6 years ago

@nonameolsson I got a tip for you. The way I do it:

Movescount -> Strava (connect via movescount to strava)

Use Tapiriik to connect Strava to Runkeeper

Does this help ?

Btw are you on iOS?

nonameolsson commented 6 years ago

@jimmykane Thanks! Does it work okay that integration? Yeah, I'm on iOS at the moment. But normally I use Android.

jimmykane commented 6 years ago

@nonameolsson Yep this way it works great for me. FYI if you want to beta test Suuntos new app: app.suunto.com Trying to get some new sync options from there!

Antash commented 6 years ago

@jimmykane hi there! I read this tread and did not understand clearly what stopped you to include native movescount support? I would like to finally add it to my tapiriik fork.

jimmykane commented 6 years ago

@Antash sorry but I could not take up the task. I mingled in here to create the missing info and the middle group.

Antash commented 6 years ago

@jimmykane but at least you were able to get access to movescount API?

jimmykane commented 6 years ago

@Antash yes of course. I have all the docs etc. For the final phase (eg if the implementation is done) it needs only one agreement to get a production API key for Tapiriik. If you are interested mail me.

fletort commented 6 years ago

@jimmykane is Documentation publicly available ? The aggreement for the API key is free or with a license as with Garmin ?

jimmykane commented 6 years ago

@fletort its not publicly available but they can provide it if you communicate with them. No licence needed (paid or so) if I remember correctly but it's more about signing a contract that you won't do damage.

cedricdelpoux commented 6 years ago

You can get an api key for sure because Tapiriik has a lot of users. You just need to show them your analytics stats