cph-cachet / flutter-plugins

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[Health 10.2.0] Fetched data are not accurate #982

Open AdamBrejcak opened 2 weeks ago

AdamBrejcak commented 2 weeks ago

[Health 10.2.0] Fetched data are not accurate

Device / Emulator and OS

Describe the bug

I used my personal device for testing. let's say that i went for a walk in the morning at 8am and i did 5000 steps, and this is the only time i did some exercise for today, currently it's 10pm, the issue is when I call Health().getTotalStepsInInterval or even Health().getHealthIntervalDataFromTypes (with STEPS type and READ permission), with time window from 12pm until now (10pm), this will return some steps/value, this is not correct from my perspective as it should return 0 since in given time window i did NOT do any walking/steps

To Reproduce

Implement Health package as per documentation, then use any app which will track your steps (e.g. Samsung Health or Google Fit) make sure this app is allowed in google health connect, add walikng activity (or on physical device walk), in the morning for current day, then request steps from Health package by Health().getTotalStepsInInterval or even by Health().getHealthIntervalDataFrom but only for the afternoon today, see example below

        final List<HealthDataType> types = [HealthDataType.STEPS];
        final List<HealthDataAccess> permissions = [HealthDataAccess.READ];

        final DateTime now = DateTime.now();
        final DateTime noonToday = DateTime(now.year, now.month, now.day, 12);
        final DateTime midnightToday =
            DateTime(now.year, now.month, now.day, 23, 59);

        int? stepsFromInterval =
            await Health().getTotalStepsInInterval(noonToday, midnightToday);

        List<HealthDataPoint> stepsDataFromTypes = await Health()
                types: types, startTime: noonToday, endTime: midnightToday);

Main idea here is that Health package should return 0 steps if there is no exercise done in given time window

Expected behavior

I would expect in this use case that getTotalStepsInInterval and also getHealthDataFromTypes to return 0 steps/value, since only exercise i did, was done before the time window that was passed in request

Actual behavior

getTotalStepsInInterval will return some steps/value, same with getHealthDataFromTypes (seems it's somehow calculated as average value for given day without considering when the exercise was done)

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