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hasOne and hasMany relationship Different Datasources #1

Closed amb3rl4nn closed 8 years ago

amb3rl4nn commented 8 years ago

Goal is to be able to access SQL Server from a LAMP environment. The only issue is that when I do a Find on the EpiArticle, it does not pull the hasMany items from the same SQL Datasource. However the hasOne item does link up fine from the Mysql Datasource

Description of Relationships and the datasource

EpiArticles are stored in SQL Server EpiArticleField are stored in SQL Server EpiArticleMeta are stored in Mysql Server

EpiArticle hasMany EpiArticleField EpiArticle hasOne EpiArticleMeta

Code for these models/relationships

DB CONFIG: default = Mysql Server epi_server = SQL Server

class EpiArticle extends AppModel { public $useDbConfig = 'epi_server'; public $useTable = 'tblPage'; public $primaryKey = 'pkID';

var $hasMany = [
    'EpiArticleField' => [
        'foreignKey' => 'fkPageID',

var $hasOne = [
    'EpiArticleMeta' => [
        'foreignKey' => 'rbuid2'


class EpiArticleField extends AppModel { public $useDbConfig = 'epi_server'; public $useTable = 'tblProperty'; public $primaryKey = 'fkPageDefinitionID';

public $belongsTo = [
    'EpiArticle' => [
        'foreignKey' => 'fkPageID',
    'EpiField' => [
        'foreignKey' => 'fkPageDefinitionID',


class EpiArticleMeta extends AppModel { var $belongsTo = [ 'EpiArticle' => [ 'foreignKey' => 'rbuid2', ], ]; }


array( (int) 0 => array( 'EpiArticle' => array( 'pkID' => '27386', 'fkPageTypeID' => '49', 'fkParentID' => '27310', 'ArchivePageGUID' => '', 'CreatorName' => 'webservice', 'PageGUID' => '6BA38741-D64B-4F9C-A1DD-B53EC5182753', 'VisibleInMenu' => '0', 'Deleted' => '0', 'PendingPublish' => '0', 'ChildOrderRule' => '1', 'PeerOrder' => '1300', 'ExternalFolderID' => '27585', 'PublishedVersion' => '', 'fkMasterLanguageBranchID' => '1', 'PagePath' => '.' ), 'EpiArticleMeta' => array( 'id' => '191504', 'rbpubdate' => '2015-09-17 19:45:00', 'rbpubid' => 'zod_nl_dcn_prd', 'rbuid1' => 'zod_nl_dcn_prd-27386', 'rbuid2' => '27386', 'rbuid' => 'http://www.dailycommercialnews.com/Economic/News/2015/9/A-Bang-on-Prescription-for-What-Ails-Canada-But-1010224W/', 'statictitle' => 'A Bang-on Prescription for What Ails Canada, But…', 'rbimguris1' => '/PageFiles/27585/001_RBI-image-1010225.jpeg', 'rbimguris2' => '' ), 'EpiArticleField' => array() <------------ MISSING THIS DATA