cpilkington78 / ASCIITranslator

Simple program to convert/translate binary, octal, and hexadecimal messages to its ASCII equivalent and display the message to the console window in ASCII whether the message is typed directly into the console window, or a path to a text file is provided.
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Remember the Single Responsibility Principle. #9

Open cchampio opened 9 years ago

cchampio commented 9 years ago

This is the first principle in the SOLID principle of object oriented programming. A class should generally have only a single responsibility and a single reason to change. For example, a translator classes sole purpose in life is to translate a message. The only reason it will EVER change is because the translation algorithm changed; not because the read algorithm changed or the UI changed.

cpilkington78 commented 9 years ago

I THINK I understand this principle. I may need a little help once I finally start implementing classes though.