Open maggieliu05 opened 1 month ago
Example: solving Tree Distances I with a template modified from the blog to run in linear time.
namespace reroot {
auto rerooter = [](const auto &g, const auto &init_a, const auto &v_to_a,
const auto &a_to_v, const auto &add) {
using Agg = decay_t<decltype(init_a())>;
using Val = decay_t<decltype(a_to_v(init_a(), 0))>;
int N = sz(g);
vi par(N);
V<Val> dp(N), dp_root(N);
V<V<Val>> dp_down(N), dp_up(N);
y_combinator([&](auto dfs_down, int x) -> void {
Agg agg = init_a();
F0R(e, sz(g[x])) {
int y = g[x][e];
if (y != par[x]) {
par[y] = x;
agg = add(agg, v_to_a(dp[y], x, e));
dp[x] = a_to_v(agg, x);
y_combinator([&](auto dfs_up, int x) -> void {
dp[par[x]] = dp[x];
V<Agg> pref_aggs{init_a()}, suf_aggs{init_a()};
F0R(e, sz(g[x])) {
int y = g[x][e];
pref_aggs.pb(add(pref_aggs.bk, v_to_a(dp[y], x, e)));
R0F(e, sz(g[x])) {
int y = g[x][e];
suf_aggs.pb(add(suf_aggs.bk, v_to_a(dp[y], x, e)));
dp_root[x] = a_to_v(pref_aggs.bk, x);
F0R(e, sz(g[x])) {
int y = g[x][e];
a_to_v(add(pref_aggs[e], suf_aggs[sz(g[x]) - 1 - e]), x));
if (y != par[x]) {
dp[y] = dp_up[x][e];
return make_tuple(dp_root, dp_down, dp_up);
int main() {
def(int, N);
V<vi> g(N);
rep(N - 1) {
def(int, a, b);
--a, --b;
g[a].pb(b), g[b].pb(a);
struct Val { // max depth for subtree including root
int mx;
struct Agg { // max depth for subtree excluding root
int mx;
auto [dp_root, dp_down, dp_up] = reroot::rerooter(
[]() -> Agg { // init empty subtree
return {};
[](Val v, int x, int e) -> Agg { // add edge to subtree
return {};
[](Agg a, int x) -> Val { // add root to subtree
return { + 1};
[](Agg a, Agg b) -> Agg { // merge subtrees
return {max(,};
vi ans;
F0R(i, N) ans.pb( - 1);
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URL: Module: Gold - DP on Trees - Solving For All Roots Topic: Suggestion Message: Worth mentioning rerooting templates that allow implementing such problems more quickly and reliably in linear time. Example: (though this is NlogN rather than N)