Hi, thanks for making this tool! I'm just getting started with it.
I have a file called proved_theorem.v which has:
Theorem trial: forall n: nat, 1 + n = S n.
as its contents.
When I run alectryon --frontend coq --backend webpage proved_theorem.v -o proved_theorem.html, the resulting output file only has the interactive bubble on the line with the "Theorem". All the subsequent lines are missing the interactive bubbles.
(I do get
proved_theorem.v:(1:1)-(6:1): (WARNING/2) Orphaned message for sid b'0':
.proved_theorem.aux: No such file or directory)
Hi, thanks for making this tool! I'm just getting started with it.
I have a file called proved_theorem.v which has:
Theorem trial: forall n: nat, 1 + n = S n. Proof. intros. eauto. Qed.
as its contents.
When I run alectryon --frontend coq --backend webpage proved_theorem.v -o proved_theorem.html, the resulting output file only has the interactive bubble on the line with the "Theorem". All the subsequent lines are missing the interactive bubbles.
(I do get proved_theorem.v:(1:1)-(6:1): (WARNING/2) Orphaned message for sid b'0': .proved_theorem.aux: No such file or directory)
Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!