cpitclaudel / biblio.el

Browse and import bibliographic references from CrossRef, DBLP, HAL, arXiv, Dissemin, and doi.org from Emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: IEEE support #16

Closed notuntoward closed 5 years ago

notuntoward commented 7 years ago

The IEEE journals


are widely used, and in addition, the Bibtex the IEEE search engine returns is often of better quality than, for example Google Scholar -- better handling of umlauts, full journal details, etc.

IEEE will also retrieve the paper abstracts, which I find to be valuable grep targets when I'm searching my oversized bibtex file for "that paper I can't quite remember but know I read sometime."

So a feature request: could you please add IEEE as a search option?

cpitclaudel commented 7 years ago

Sounds like a good idea. Can you help by investigating whether there is an IEEE API, and posting an example of input and output?

ebpa commented 7 years ago

Here's an overview page of the search parameters: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/gateway/

That page lists several examples (GET):

  1. Returns records 11-20 matching java in any metadata field, Wang in Authors, sorted on Document Title.

There's a client library written in R that might be a useful reference as well: https://github.com/ropensci/IEEER

cpitclaudel commented 6 years ago

Thanks. It looks like the XML API was deprecated (https://github.com/ropensci/IEEER/issues/18), and apparently the new API requires applications to sign up and get an API token (which we can't keep private since this program's code source is public). I just emailed them to ask about this:


I'd like to add support for IEEE Xplore in biblio.el, a free ("open-source") program for browsing and retrieving bibliographic records. See https://github.com/cpitclaudel/biblio.el for more details.

I ran into an issue, however: it seems that I need an API key, and that this key should be kept private. But the source code of my program is public, so distributing the key with the program would make the key public.

What is the recommended approach in this case?


cpitclaudel commented 6 years ago

I heard back, and the IEEE Xplore people were kind enough to issue an API key for biblio.el. I'll add support at some point, but it may be a few weeks. Please ping me if nothing happens within a month or so? Thanks!

mgttlinger commented 6 years ago

@cpitclaudel So did you try to implement this?

senselessDev commented 5 years ago

ping ;)

tmalsburg commented 5 years ago

Hey, I won't be able to do any serious work on helm-bibtex at least until the end of the lecture period in three weeks. But feel free to ping me again. :)

cpitclaudel commented 5 years ago

Done, please test and report :)

cpitclaudel commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the ping, btw.

mgttlinger commented 5 years ago

Seems to work from what I can tell. Thanks for implementing that!

cpitclaudel commented 5 years ago

Thanks for testing!

senselessDev commented 5 years ago

Working here as well, thank you very much!