cpitclaudel / biblio.el

Browse and import bibliographic references from CrossRef, DBLP, HAL, arXiv, Dissemin, and doi.org from Emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Bibsonomy backend #26

Closed andreasjansson closed 5 years ago

andreasjansson commented 5 years ago

Thanks for biblio.el, it's a great time saver!

I wrote a backend for Bibsonomy: https://github.com/andreasjansson/biblio-bibsonomy.el. I think I got the backend hooks right, but an extra pair of eyes probably wouldn't hurt?

There's a PR open to add it to MELPA here.

cpitclaudel commented 5 years ago

Hey, this looks great :) I read through the code and left two comments. Great work!

andreasjansson commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the review! I fixed those two issues.

Will update here when it's merged into MELPA.

andreasjansson commented 5 years ago

Merged into MELPA now.

cpitclaudel commented 5 years ago

Yay! :)