cpitclaudel / biblio.el

Browse and import bibliographic references from CrossRef, DBLP, HAL, arXiv, Dissemin, and doi.org from Emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Make timeout configurable #39

Open leezu opened 3 years ago

leezu commented 3 years ago

biblio-url-retrieve hardcodes a timeout.


Accessing google-scholar via biblio-gscholar.el from https://github.com/nchodosh/biblio.el/commit/1c532b5b6ce73124aa579cf2c0540c429da00bb1 will often take longer than 1 second and trigger the timeout.

cpitclaudel commented 3 years ago

Good point, thanks! I will look into preparing a patch, unless you're interested in making a PR?

leezu commented 3 years ago

I'm fine with you preparing the patch. It may cost you less time given your familiarity with the codebase. Thank you for looking into it :)