cpitclaudel / company-coq

A Coq IDE build on top of Proof General's Coq mode
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Does company-coq leak? #138

Open JasonGross opened 8 years ago

JasonGross commented 8 years ago

I find that company-coq seems to get slower and slower the longer I've had emacs running, to the point where it can be many orders of magnitude slower than vanilla PG at executing statements like Require Import ... and Proof..

cpitclaudel commented 8 years ago

Can you try profiling and see if that shows interesting patterns? M-x profiler-start

JasonGross commented 8 years ago
- command-execute                                                2637  68%
 - call-interactively                                            2637  68%
  - company-coq-proof-goto-point                                  854  22%
   - apply                                                        854  22%
    - proof-goto-point                                            854  22%
     - proof-assert-until-point                                   854  22%
      - run-hooks                                                 645  16%
       - coq-adapt-printing-width                                 645  16%
        - proof-shell-invisible-command                           645  16%
         + proof-shell-ready-prover                               345   8%
         + proof-shell-wait                                       300   7%
      + proof-activate-scripting                                  199   5%
      + proof-segment-up-to-using-cache                            10   0%
  - proof-shell-exit                                              703  18%
   - kill-buffer                                                  613  15%
    - proof-shell-kill-function                                   613  15%
     - byte-code                                                  551  14%
      - proof-deactivate-scripting-auto                           532  13%
       - byte-code                                                532  13%
        - proof-deactivate-scripting                              532  13%
         - proof-protected-process-or-retract                     532  13%
          - proof-shell-wait                                      528  13%
           - redisplay                                            521  13%
            - timer-event-handler                                 446  11%
             - byte-code                                          446  11%
              - apply                                             446  11%
               + company-coq-maybe-reload-each                    444  11%
          + proof-retract-buffer                                    4   0%
      + proof-shell-wait                                           19   0%
       redisplay                                                   62   1%
   + yes-or-no-p                                                   83   2%
  - byte-code                                                     514  13%
   + read-extended-command                                        458  11%
   + find-file-read-args                                           56   1%
  + scroll-up-command                                             302   7%
    scroll-down-command                                           157   4%
  + next-line                                                      62   1%
  + previous-line                                                  33   0%
  + execute-extended-command                                       12   0%
- timer-event-handler                                             960  24%
 - byte-code                                                      958  24%
  - apply                                                         958  24%
   - company-coq-maybe-reload-each                                857  22%
    - company-coq-init-symbols                                    598  15%
     - company-coq-reload-db                                      598  15%
      - company-coq-get-symbols                                   598  15%
       + mapc                                                     321   8%
       + company-coq-ask-prover-redirect                          212   5%
       + company-coq-split-lines                                   29   0%
       + company-coq-union-sort                                    28   0%
    - company-coq-init-tactics                                    160   4%
     + company-coq-reload-db                                      160   4%
    + company-coq-init-modules                                     99   2%
   + company-coq-features/spinner--spin                            33   0%
 + timer-inc-time                                                   2   0%
+ redisplay_internal (C function)                                 119   3%
+ ...                                                             105   2%
+ scomint-output-filter                                            45   1%

vs vanilla:

- command-execute                                                 521  90%
 - call-interactively                                             521  90%
  - proof-goto-point                                              286  49%
   - proof-assert-until-point                                     286  49%
    - proof-activate-scripting                                    255  44%
     - proof-shell-ready-prover                                   255  44%
      - proof-shell-start                                         255  44%
       - coq-shell-mode                                           116  20%
        - coq-shell-mode-config                                   116  20%
         + proof-shell-config-done                                116  20%
       - coq-prog-args                                             83  14%
        - coq-autodetect-version                                   64  11%
         + shell-command                                           64  11%
        + coq-load-project-file                                    15   2%
       + read-shell-command                                        52   9%
       + proof-multiple-frames-enable                               4   0%
    + run-hooks                                                    21   3%
    + proof-segment-up-to-using-cache                              10   1%
  - proof-shell-exit                                              112  19%
   - kill-buffer                                                   83  14%
    - proof-shell-kill-function                                    83  14%
     + byte-code                                                   51   8%
       redisplay                                                   29   5%
     yes-or-no-p                                                   16   2%
  + byte-code                                                      68  11%
  + minibuffer-complete                                            35   6%
  + execute-extended-command                                       11   1%
  + next-line                                                       9   1%
+ ...                                                              41   7%
+ redisplay_internal (C function)                                   8   1%
+ scomint-output-filter                                             6   1%
+ timer-event-handler                                               1   0%

Is there a way to get actual times out of this?

JasonGross commented 8 years ago

Here's the 20s that it takes to execute a proof-goto-point of 25 lines of code, and then another proof-goto-point that retracts the first one:

- timer-event-handler                                             790  76%
 - byte-code                                                      782  75%
  - apply                                                         782  75%
   - company-coq-maybe-reload-each                                670  64%
    - company-coq-init-symbols                                    412  39%
     - company-coq-reload-db                                      412  39%
      - company-coq-get-symbols                                   412  39%
       - mapc                                                     230  22%
        - company-coq-ask-prover                                  230  22%
         - proof-shell-invisible-command                          230  22%
          - proof-shell-wait                                      230  22%
           - redisplay                                            230  22%
            + timer-event-handler                                   4   0%
       - company-coq-ask-prover-redirect                          154  14%
        - company-coq-ask-prover                                  154  14%
         - proof-shell-invisible-command                          154  14%
          - proof-shell-wait                                      154  14%
           - redisplay                                            151  14%
            + redisplay_internal (C function)                       3   0%
            + timer-event-handler                                   2   0%
           + accept-process-output                                  3   0%
       + company-coq-split-lines                                   16   1%
       + company-coq-union-sort                                    12   1%
    - company-coq-init-tactics                                    162  15%
     - company-coq-reload-db                                      162  15%
      - company-coq-get-tactics                                   162  15%
       + company-coq-get-ltacs                                     81   7%
       + company-coq-get-notations                                 81   7%
    + company-coq-init-modules                                     96   9%
   + company-coq-features/spinner--spin                             5   0%
 + timer-inc-time                                                   8   0%
+ command-execute                                                 100   9%
+ redisplay_internal (C function)                                  80   7%
+ ...                                                              56   5%
+ scomint-output-filter                                            12   1%

In vanilla PG, it takes 3 seconds, and at least half of that time is time that I spent moving the cursor:

- command-execute                                                 139  77%
 - call-interactively                                             139  77%
  - byte-code                                                      78  43%
   - read-extended-command                                         78  43%
    - completing-read                                              78  43%
     - completing-read-default                                     78  43%
      - read-from-minibuffer                                       51  28%
       + redisplay_internal (C function)                            4   2%
  - previous-line                                                  40  22%
   - funcall                                                       40  22%
    - #<compiled 0xeb5d83>                                         40  22%
     - line-move                                                   40  22%
        line-move-visual                                           31  17%
  + execute-extended-command                                        9   5%
    scroll-down-command                                             8   4%
  + next-line                                                       4   2%
+ redisplay_internal (C function)                                  16   8%
+ scomint-output-filter                                            13   7%
+ ...                                                              11   6%
cpitclaudel commented 8 years ago

Wait, I'm confused. Is this for the slow-down thing? Thanks for the profiles then :) But I was thinking of a memory profile, to diagnose your suspected leak.

cpitclaudel commented 8 years ago

Can you try making a performance profile without dynamic completion, too? I expect dynamic completion to be slow.

JasonGross commented 8 years ago

This is from after it's been running for a while. I have easy access to a slow one, less easy access to one that's slowing down fast enough.

Why is dynamic completion doing anything in the middle of proof-goto-point? Why is it doing anything in the middle of a retract? Most of the time is spent crawling through the individual lines. In company-coq: ezgif-2193193334 In vanilla PG: ezgif-3619282743

JasonGross commented 8 years ago

Here's a memory profile: Company-coq:

- redisplay_internal (C function)                         182,751,115  70%
 - eval                                                   162,578,898  62%
  - list                                                  160,988,079  61%
   - company-coq--lighter-string                          160,876,783  61%
    - company-coq--ligther-image                           80,480,629  30%
       company-coq--icon                                   80,347,282  30%
      company-coq--icon                                    80,306,362  30%
      apply                                                    89,792   0%
    if                                                      1,523,884   0%
    unless                                                     47,840   0%
 + tool-bar-make-keymap                                    17,874,928   6%
 + jit-lock-function                                          851,218   0%
 + keymap-canonicalize                                        452,592   0%
   file-remote-p                                              136,980   0%
 + #<compiled 0x3f9111>                                       123,552   0%
 + x-gtk-map-stock                                             73,698   0%
   proof-toolbar-next-enable-p                                 14,784   0%
   proof-toolbar-use-enable-p                                   8,448   0%
- command-execute                                          74,622,285  28%
 - call-interactively                                      74,622,285  28%
  - company-coq-proof-goto-point                           60,271,348  23%
   - apply                                                 60,266,164  23%
    - proof-goto-point                                     60,266,164  23%
     - proof-assert-until-point                            60,264,116  23%
      - proof-activate-scripting                           57,536,875  22%
       - proof-shell-ready-prover                          56,506,909  21%
        - proof-shell-start                                56,506,909  21%
         - coq-shell-mode                                  37,981,725  14%
          - coq-shell-mode-config                          37,978,621  14%
           - proof-shell-config-done                       37,974,477  14%
            + mapcar                                       28,490,615  10%
            + run-hooks                                     6,934,321   2%
            + mapc                                          1,371,348   0%
            + proof-shell-wait                                608,853   0%
            + accept-process-output                            39,876   0%
            + proof-assistant-settings-cmds                     4,096   0%
             coq-init-syntax-table                              4,144   0%
          + proof-shell-mode                                    2,080   0%
          + run-mode-hooks                                      1,024   0%
         + coq-prog-args                                    9,072,376   3%
         + read-shell-command                               6,266,327   2%
         + proof-multiple-frames-enable                     2,145,076   0%
         + apply                                              927,075   0%
         + coq-goals-mode                                      76,776   0%
         + coq-response-mode                                   35,496   0%
           proof-shell-make-associated-buffers                  2,058   0%
       + proof-unregister-buffer-file-name                    931,378   0%
       + run-hooks                                             98,588   0%
      + run-hooks                                           2,422,315   0%
      + proof-segment-up-to-using-cache                       155,376   0%
      + proof-assert-semis                                    149,550   0%
       proof-only-whitespace-to-locked-region-p                 2,048   0%
   + company-abort                                              5,184   0%
  + byte-code                                               7,593,250   2%
  + execute-extended-command                                4,325,037   1%
  + mouse-drag-region                                       1,287,915   0%
  + yank                                                      867,839   0%
  + next-line                                                 271,728   0%
  + handle-focus-in                                             2,080   0%
  + previous-line                                               2,048   0%
  + handle-focus-out                                            1,040   0%
+ scomint-output-filter                                     2,810,755   1%
+ timer-event-handler                                         808,372   0%
+ ...                                                           8,188   0%
+ yas--post-command-handler                                     7,488   0%

Vanilla PG:

- command-execute                                           5,773,883  67%
 - call-interactively                                       5,773,883  67%
  - execute-extended-command                                3,890,006  45%
   - command-execute                                        3,815,966  44%
    - call-interactively                                    3,815,950  44%
     - profiler-report                                      3,815,950  44%
      + profiler-report-cpu                                 1,965,990  23%
      + profiler-report-memory                              1,849,960  21%
  - byte-code                                               1,512,583  17%
   - read-extended-command                                  1,512,583  17%
    - completing-read                                       1,512,583  17%
     - completing-read-default                              1,512,583  17%
      - read-from-minibuffer                                1,510,957  17%
       - redisplay_internal (C function)                    1,480,346  17%
        - tool-bar-make-keymap                              1,312,760  15%
         - tool-bar-make-keymap-1                           1,312,760  15%
          - mapcar                                          1,312,760  15%
           - #<compiled 0x279b9b>                           1,312,760  15%
            - eval                                          1,312,760  15%
             - find-image                                   1,312,760  15%
                image-search-load-path                      1,312,760  15%
        + jit-lock-function                                   167,586   1%
       + minibuffer-inactive-mode                               1,024   0%
         command-execute                                           64   0%
  + next-line                                                 303,498   3%
  + proof-goto-point                                           67,796   0%
- scomint-output-filter                                     1,580,314  18%
 - run-hook-with-args                                       1,580,314  18%
  - proof-shell-filter-wrapper                              1,580,314  18%
   - byte-code                                              1,580,314  18%
    - proof-shell-filter                                    1,580,314  18%
     - proof-shell-filter-manage-output                     1,550,072  18%
      - proof-shell-exec-loop                               1,530,452  17%
       - proof-shell-insert                                 1,378,990  16%
          scomint-send-input                                1,378,990  16%
       + mapc                                                 122,958   1%
       + pg-processing-complete-hint                           28,504   0%
        proof-shell-handle-immediate-output                    16,548   0%
      + proof-shell-handle-delayed-output                       3,072   0%
     + proof-shell-process-urgent-messages                     22,660   0%
- redisplay_internal (C function)                           1,160,200  13%
 - tool-bar-make-keymap                                     1,124,348  13%
  - tool-bar-make-keymap-1                                  1,124,348  13%
   - mapcar                                                 1,124,348  13%
    - #<compiled 0x279b9b>                                  1,124,348  13%
     - eval                                                 1,124,348  13%
      - find-image                                          1,124,348  13%
         image-search-load-path                             1,124,348  13%
   file-remote-p                                               27,664   0%
 + eval                                                         8,188   0%
+ ...                                                           8,188   0%
JasonGross commented 8 years ago

Is emacs unhappy with your spinning rooster icon?

cpitclaudel commented 8 years ago

Hmm. Let's look at this together :)

JasonGross commented 8 years ago

Sounds good. I'm in my office now and will be until 4.

cpitclaudel commented 8 years ago

Tomorrow will probably work better for me :)

cpitclaudel commented 8 years ago

Thanks for all your help, btw!

JasonGross commented 8 years ago

After in-person debugging with @cpitclaudel, this seems to be related to https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=21028.