cpliakas / dynamo-db-odm

A lightweight ODM for DynamoDB
MIT License
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Add helper methods to add options in order to guide developers towards what is available #4

Open cpliakas opened 10 years ago

cpliakas commented 10 years ago

Follow up to #2, we should add methods that wrap around common options so that they are discoverable as opposed to developers having to hunt through the AWS documentation.

cpliakas commented 10 years ago

Available options for all commands, see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/aws-sdk-php/latest/class-Aws.DynamoDb.DynamoDbClient.html:


* TableName => (string) * Item => (associative-array<associative-array>) Expected => (associative-array<associative-array>) ReturnValues => (string: NONE | ALL_OLD | UPDATED_OLD | ALL_NEW | UPDATED_NEW ) ReturnConsumedCapacity => (string: INDEXES | TOTAL | NONE ) ReturnItemCollectionMetrics => (string: SIZE | NONE )


* TableName => (string) * Item => (associative-array<associative-array>) Expected => (associative-array<associative-array>) ReturnValues => (string: NONE | ALL_OLD | UPDATED_OLD | ALL_NEW | UPDATED_NEW ) ReturnConsumedCapacity => (string: INDEXES | TOTAL | NONE ) ReturnItemCollectionMetrics => (string: SIZE | NONE )


* TableName => (string) * Item => (associative-array<associative-array>) AttributesToGet => array<string>) ConsistentRead => (bool) ReturnConsumedCapacity => (string: INDEXES | TOTAL | NONE )


* TableName => (string) IndexName => (string) Select => (string: ALL_ATTRIBUTES | ALL_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTES | SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES | COUNT ) AttributesToGet => (array<string>) Limit => (int) ConsistentRead => (bool) KeyConditions => (associative-array<associative-array>) ScanIndexForward => (bool) ExclusiveStartKey => (associative-array<associative-array>) ReturnConsumedCapacity => (string: INDEXES | TOTAL | NONE )


* TableName => (string) Select => (string: ALL_ATTRIBUTES | ALL_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTES | SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES | COUNT ) AttributesToGet => (array<string>) Limit => (int) ScanFilter => (associative-array<associative-array>) ExclusiveStartKey => (associative-array<associative-array>) ReturnConsumedCapacity => (string: INDEXES | TOTAL | NONE ) TotalSegments => (int) Segment => (int)